Items where Division is "School of Mathematical Sciences"

Group by: Creators | Item Type | Date | No Grouping
Number of items at this level: 831.


Aaronson, Benjamin, Lo Franco, Rosario, Compagno, Giuseppe and Adesso, Gerardo (2013) Hierarchy and dynamics of trace distance correlations. New Journal of Physics, 15 . 093022/1-093022/18. ISSN 1367-2630

Acharya, Anirudh and Guţă, Mădălin (2018) Minimax estimation of qubit states with Bures risk. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 51 (17). 175307/1-175307/22. ISSN 1751-8121

Acharya, Anirudh and Guţă, Mădălin (2017) Statistical analysis of compressive low rank tomography with random measurements. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50 (19). p. 195301. ISSN 1751-8121

Acharya, Anirudh, Kypraios, Theodore and Guţă, Mădălin (2016) Statistically efficient tomography of low rank states with incomplete measurements. New Journal of Physics, 18 (4). 043018. ISSN 1367-2630

Acunzo, David J., Mackenzie, Graham and van Rossum, Mark C.W. (2012) Systematic biases in early ERP and ERF components as a result of high-pass filtering. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 209 (1). pp. 212-218. ISSN 1872-678X

Adesso, Gerardo (2014) Gaussian interferometric power. Physical Review A, 90 (2). 022321-1-022321-6. ISSN 2469-9934

Adesso, Gerardo, Bromley, Thomas R. and Cianciaruso, Marco (2016) Measures and applications of quantum correlations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 49 (47). p. 473001. ISSN 1751-8113

Adesso, Gerardo, D’Ambrosio, Vincenzo, Nagali, Eleonora, Piani, Marco and Sciarrino, Fabio (2014) Experimental entanglement activation from discord in a programmable quantum measurement. Physical Review Letters, 112 (14). pp. 140501-1. ISSN 1079-7114

Adesso, Gerardo, Franco, Rosario Lo and Parigi, Valentina (2018) Foundations of quantum mechanics and their impact on contemporary society. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, 376 (2123). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1471-2962

Adesso, Gerardo and Piano, Samanta (2014) Theory of genuine tripartite nonlocality of Gaussian states. Physical Review Letters, 112 (1). 010401-1-010401-6. ISSN 1079-7114

Adesso, Gerardo and Simon, R. (2016) Strong subadditivity for log-determinant of covariance matrices and its applications. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 49 (34). 34LT02. ISSN 1751-8113

Adjei, Eugene, Gielen, Steffen and Wieland, Wolfgang (2018) Cosmological evolution as squeezing: a toy model for group field cosmology. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 35 (10). 105016/1-105016/18. ISSN 1361-6382

Ahmad, Saeed, Susanto, Hadi and Wattis, Jonathan A.D. (2017) Band-gaps in long Josephson junctions with periodic phase-shifts. Physics Letters A, 381 (13). pp. 1181-1191. ISSN 0375-9601

Akhtar, Mohammad, Coates, Tom, Corti, Alessio, Heuberger, Liana, Kasprzyk, Alexander M., Oneto, Alessandro, Petracci, Andrea, Prince, Thomas and Tveiten, Ketil (2016) Mirror symmetry and the classification of orbifold del Pezzo surfaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144 (2). pp. 513-527. ISSN 1088-6826

Akhtar, Mohammad, Coates, Tom, Galkin, Sergey and Kasprzyk, Alexander M. (2012) Minkowski polynomials and mutations. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 8 . 094, pp. 707. ISSN 1815-0659

Akhtar, Mohammad and Kasprzyk, Alexander M. (2016) Mutations of fake weighted projective planes. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 59 (2). pp. 271-285. ISSN 1464-3839

Al-sandaqchi, Alaa T., Brignell, Chris, Collingwood, Joanna F., Geraki, Kalotina, Mirkes, Evgeny M., Kong, Kenny, Castellanos, Marcos, May, Sean T., Stevenson, Carl W. and Elsheikha, Hany M. (2018) Metallome of cerebrovascular endothelial cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii using μ-XRF imaging and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Metallomics . ISSN 1756-591X

Aldwaik, Suzana and Edjvet, Martin (2017) On the asphericity of a family of positive relative group presentations. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society . ISSN 1464-3839

Aldwaik, Suzana, Edjvet, Martin and Juhasz, Arye (2018) Asphericity of positive free product length 4 relative group presentations. Forum Mathematicum . ISSN 0933-7741 (In Press)

Ali, Amir, Susanto, Hadi and Wattis, Jonathan A.D. (2015) Decay of bound states in a sine-Gordon equation with double well potentials. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56 . 051502/1-051502/28. ISSN 1089-7658

Antonietti, P. F., Houston, P., Hu, X., Sarti, M. and Verani, M. (2017) Multigrid algorithms for hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes. Numerische Mathematik, 54 (4). pp. 1169-1198. ISSN 0029-599X

Antonietti, Paola F. and Ayuso, Blanca (2007) Two-Level Schwarz Preconditioners for Super Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Methods. Communications in Computational Physics . (Submitted)

Antonietti, Paola F., Giani, Stefano and Houston, Paul (2014) Domain decomposition preconditioners for discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic problems on complicated domains. Journal of Scientific Computing, 60 (1). pp. 203-227. ISSN 0885-7474

Antonietti, Paola F., Giani, Stefano and Houston, Paul (2013) hp-Version composite discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic problems on complicated domains. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35 (3). A1417-A1439. ISSN 1064-8275

Antonietti, Paola F. and Houston, Paul (2009) A class of domain decomposition preconditioners for hp-discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods. Journal of Scientific Computing . ISSN 0885-7474 (Submitted)

Antonietti, Paola F. and Houston, Paul (2009) An hr-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for advection-diffusion problems. Communications to SIMAI Congress, 3 . ISSN 1827-9015 (Submitted)

Antonietti, Paola F. and Houston, Paul A Pre-processing Moving Mesh Method for Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations of Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling . (Submitted)

Antonietti, Paola F., Houston, Paul and Smears, Iain (2015) A note on optimal spectral bounds for nonoverlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for hp-version discontinuous Galerkin methods. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling . ISSN 1705-5105 (Submitted)

Apalowo, R.K., Chronopoulos, D. and Tanner, G. (2018) Wave interaction with defects in pressurised composite structures. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 37 . 48/1-48/19. ISSN 1573-4862

Aschieri, Paolo, Bieliavsky, Pierre, Pagani, Chiara and Schenkel, Alexander (2016) Noncommutative principal bundles through twist deformation. Communications in Mathematical Physics . pp. 1-58. ISSN 1432-0916

Ashwin, Peter, Coombes, Stephen and Nicks, Rachel (2016) Mathematical frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 6 . 2/1-2/92. ISSN 2190-8567

Asiri, Asim (2012) Further results on common zeros of the solutions of two differential equations. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2012 (222). ISSN 1025-5834

Aston, Daniel, Capel, Rebecca A., Ford, Kerrie L., Christian, Helen C., Mirams, Gary R., Rog-Zielinska, Eva A., Kohl, Peter, Galione, Antony, Burton, Rebecca A.B. and Terrar, Derek A. (2017) High resolution structural evidence suggests the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum forms microdomains with acidic stores (lysosomes) in the heart. Scientific Reports, 7 . 40620/1-40620/15. ISSN 2045-2322

Avitabile, Daniele, Brena-Medina, Victor F. and Ward, Michael J. (2018) Spot dynamics in a reaction-diffusion model of plant root hair initiation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78 (1). pp. 291-319. ISSN 1095-712X

Avitabile, Daniele, Desroches, Mathieu and Knobloch, E. (2017) Spatio-temporal canards in neural field equations. Physical Review E, 95 (4). 042205-1. ISSN 1550-2376

Avitabile, Daniele, Desroches, Mathieu, Knobloch, Edgar and Krupa, Martin (2017) Ducks in space: from nonlinear absolute instability to noise-sustained structures in a pattern-forming system. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473 (2207). ISSN 1471-2946

Avitabile, Daniele, Desroches, Mathieu and Rodrigues, Serafim (2012) On the numerical continuation of isolas of equilibria. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22 (11). 1250277/1- 1250277/12. ISSN 0218-1274 (In Press)

Avitabile, Daniele, Hoyle, Rebecca and Samaey, Giovanni (2014) Noise reduction in coarse bifurcation analysis of stochastic agent-based models: an example of consumer lock-in. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical System . ISSN 1536-0040 (Submitted)

Avitabile, Daniele, Hoyle, Rebecca and Samaey, Giovanni (2014) Noise reduction in coarse bifurcation analysis of stochastic agent-based models: an example of consumer lock-in. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical System . ISSN 1536-0040 (Submitted)

Avitabile, Daniele, Hoyle, Rebecca and Samaey, Giovanni (2014) Noise reduction in coarse bifurcation analysis of stochastic agent-based models: an example of consumer lock-in. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical System . ISSN 1536-0040 (In Press)

Avitabile, Daniele and Schmidt, Helmut (2014) Snakes and ladders in an inhomogeneous neural field model. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena . ISSN 0167-2789 (Submitted)

Avitabile, Daniele and Schmidt, Helmut (2014) Snakes and ladders in an inhomogeneous neural field model. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena . ISSN 0167-2789 (In Press)

Avitabile, Daniele, Słowiński, Piotr, Bardy, Benoit and Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira (2016) Beyond in-phase and anti-phase coordination in a model of joint action. Biological Cybernetics, 110 (2-3). pp. 201-216. ISSN 1432-0770

Avitable, Daniele and Wedgwood, Kyle C. A. (2017) Macroscopic coherent structures in a stochastic neural network: from interface dynamics to coarse-grained bifurcation analysis. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 75 (4). pp. 885-928. ISSN 0303-6812

Axinte, Dragos A., Billingham, John and Guillerna, A. Bilbao (2017) New models for energy beam machining enable accurate generation of freeforms. Science Advances, 3 (9). e1701201/1-e1701201/7. ISSN 2375-2548

Bachmann, Tom and Vishik, Alexander (2018) Motivic equivalence of affine quadrics. Mathematische Annalen, 371 (1/2). pp. 741-751. ISSN 1432-1807

Baez, John C. and Barrett, John W. (1999) The Quantum Tetrahedron in 3 and 4 Dimensions. Adv.Theor.Math.Phys., 3 . pp. 815-850.

Bailey, N.Y., Hibberd, S., Power, H. and Tretyakov, M.V. (2018) Evaluation of the minimum face clearance of a high speed gas lubricated bearing with Navier slip boundary conditions under random excitations. Journal of Engineering Mathematics . ISSN 1573-2703

Bailey, N.Y., Hibberd, Stephen and Power, H. (2017) Effect of possible rotor deformation on the probability of face contact for a liquid film bearing. Tribology International, 109 . pp. 297-310. ISSN 1879-2464

Bailey, N.Y., Hibberd, Stephen and Power, H. (2017) Dynamics of a small gap gas lubricated bearing with Navier slip boundary conditions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 818 . pp. 68-99. ISSN 1469-7645

Bain, Oliver, Billingham, John, Houston, Paul and Lowndes, Ian (2015) Flows of granular material in two-dimensional channels. Journal of Engineering Mathematics . ISSN 0022-0833

Bajars, Janis, Chappell, David, Hartmann, Timo and Tanner, Gregor (2017) Improved approximation of phase-space densities on triangulated domains using discrete flow mapping with p-refinement. Journal of Scientific Computing, 72 (3). pp. 1290-1312. ISSN 1573-7691

Bajars, Janis, Chappell, David, Søndergaard, Niels and Tanner, Gregor (2016) Transport of phase space densities through tetrahedral meshes using discrete flow mapping. Journal of Computational Physics, 328 . pp. 95-108. ISSN 0021-9991

Baker, Michelle, Brook, Bindi S. and Owen, Markus R. (2017) Mathematical modelling of cytokines, MMPs and fibronectin fragments in osteoarthritic cartilage. Journal of Mathematical Biology . ISSN 1432-1416

Baldwin, Kyle A., Scase, Matthew M. and Hill, Richard J.A (2015) The inhibition of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability by rotation. Scientific Reports, 5 (11706). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322

Ball, Frank (2018) Susceptibility sets and the final outcome of collective Reed–Frost epidemics. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability . ISSN 1573-7713

Ball, Frank, Britton, Tom and Neal, Peter (2016) On expected durations of birth-death processes with applications to branching processes and SIS epidemics. Journal of Applied Probability, 53 (1). pp. 203-215. ISSN 0021-9002

Ball, Frank, Britton, Tom and Trapman, Pieter (2017) An epidemic in a dynamic population with importation of infectives. Annals of Applied Probability, 27 (1). pp. 242-274. ISSN 1050-5164

Ball, Frank, González, Miguel, Martínez, Rodrigo and Slavtchova-Bojkova, Maroussia (2014) Stochastic monotonicity and continuity properties of functions defined on Crump-Mode-Jagers branching processes, with application to vaccination in epidemic modelling. Bernoulli, 20 (4). pp. 2076-2101. ISSN 1573-9759

Ball, Frank and House, Thomas (2017) Heterogeneous network epidemics: real-time growth, variance and extinction of infection. Journal of Mathematical Biology . pp. 1-43. ISSN 1432-1416

Ball, Frank and Neal, Peter (2017) The asymptotic variance of the giant component of configuration model random graphs. Annals of Applied Probability, 27 (2). pp. 1057-1092. ISSN 1050-5164

Ball, Frank, Pellis, Lorenzo and Trapman, Pieter (2016) Reproduction numbers for epidemic models with households and other social structures II: comparisons and implications for vaccination. Mathematical Biosciences, 274 . pp. 108-139. ISSN 0025-5564

Ball, Frank and Shaw, Laurence (2015) Estimating the within-household infection rate in emerging SIR epidemics among a community of households. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 71 (6). pp. 1705-1735. ISSN 1432-1416

Ball, Frank and Sirl, David J. (2018) Evaluation of vaccination strategies for SIR epidemics on random networks incorporating household structure. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 76 (1/2). pp. 483-530. ISSN 1432-1416

Ball, Frank G., Britton, Tom and Sirl, David J. (2010) Household epidemic models with varying infection response. Journal of Mathematical Biology . ISSN 0303-6812 (Submitted)

Ball, Frank G., Britton, Tom and Sirl, David J. (2010) Household epidemic models with varying infection response. Journal of Mathematical Biology . ISSN 0303-6812 (Submitted)

Ball, Frank G. and Sirl, David J. (2010) An SIR epidemic model on a population with random network and household structure and several types of individuals. Advances in Applied Probability . ISSN 0001-8678 (Submitted)

Ball, Frank G., Sirl, David J. and Trapman, Pieter (2014) Epidemics on random intersection graphs. Annals of Applied Probability, 24 (3). pp. 1081-1128. ISSN 1050-5164

Ball, Frank G., Sirl, David J. and Trapman, Pieter (2010) Analysis of a stochastic SIR epidemic on a random network incorporating household structure. Mathematical Biosciences, 224 (2). pp. 53-73. ISSN 0025-5564

Ball, Frank G., Sirl, David J. and Trapman, Pieter (2009) Threshold behaviour and final outcome of an epidemic on a random network with household structure. Advances in Applied Probability, 41 (3). pp. 765-796.

Band, Leah R. and Preston, Simon P. (2018) Parameter inference to motivate asymptotic model reduction: an analysis of the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway. Journal of Theoretical Biology . ISSN 1095-8541

Barausse, Enrico, Sotiriou, Thomas P. and Vega, Ian (2016) Slowly rotating black holes in Einstein-æther theory. Physical Review D, 93 (4). 44044/1-44044/23. ISSN 2470-0029

Barden, D. and Le, Huiling (2018) The logarithm map, its limits and Fréchet means in orthant spaces. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society . ISSN 1460-244X

Barden, D., Le, Huiling and Owen, M. (2018) Limiting behaviour of Fréchet means in the space of phylogenetic trees. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 70 (1). pp. 99-129. ISSN 1572-9052

Barnes, Gwendolyn E., Schenkel, Alexander and Szabo, Richard J. (2017) Mapping spaces and automorphism groups of toric noncommutative spaces. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 107 (9). pp. 1591-1628. ISSN 1573-0530

Barnes, Gwendolyn E., Schenkel, Alexander and Szabo, Richard J. (2016) Nonassociative geometry in quasi-Hopf representation categories II: connections and curvature. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 106 . pp. 234-255. ISSN 0393-0440

Barnes, Gwendolyn E., Schenkel, Alexander and Szabo, Richard J. (2015) Nonassociative geometry in quasi-Hopf representation categories I: bimodules and their internal homomorphisms. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 89 . pp. 111-152. ISSN 0393-0440

Barrack, Duncan, Thul, Ruediger and Owen, Markus R. (2015) Modelling cell cycle synchronisation in networks of coupled radial glial cells. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 377 . pp. 85-97. ISSN 1095-8541

Barrack, Duncan, Thul, Ruediger and Owen, Markus R. (2014) Modelling the coupling between intracellular calcium release and the cell cycle during cortical brain development. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 347 . pp. 17-32. ISSN 1095-8541

Barrett, John W. (2002) Geometrical measurements in three-dimensional quantum gravity.

Barrett, John W. (2000) State sum models for quantum gravity.

Barrett, John W. (2000) Unlinked Embedded Graphs.

Barrett, John W. (1998) The classical evaluation of relativistic spin networks. Adv.Theor.Math.Phys., 2 . pp. 593-600.

Barrett, John W. and Baez, John C. (2001) Integrability for Relativistic Spin Networks. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 18 (4683-4).

Barrett, John W. and Crane, Louis (2000) A Lorentzian Signature Model for Quantum General Relativity. Class.Quant.Grav., 17 . pp. 3101-3118.

Barrett, John W. and Glaser, Lisa (2016) Monte Carlo simulations of random non-commutative geometries. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 49 (24). ISSN 1751-8113

Barrett, John W. and Williams, Ruth M. (1999) The asymptotics of an amplitude for the 4-simplex. Adv.Theor.Math.Phys., 3 . pp. 209-215.

Beattie, Kylie, Hill, Adam P., Bardenet, Rémi, Cui, Yi, Vandenberg, Jamie I., Gavaghan, David J., de Boer, Teun P. and Mirams, Gary R. (2018) Sinusoidal voltage protocols for rapid characterisation of ion channel kinetics. Journal of Physiology, 596 (10). pp. 1813-1828. ISSN 1469-7793

Becker, Christian, Benini, Marco, Schenkel, Alexander and Szabo, Richard J. (2017) Cheeger-Simons differential characters with compact support and Pontryagin duality. Communications in Analysis and Geometry . ISSN 1944-9992 (In Press)

Becker, Christian, Benini, Marco, Schenkel, Alexander and Szabo, Richard J. (2017) Abelian duality on globally hyperbolic spacetimes. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 349 (1). pp. 361-392. ISSN 1432-0916

Becker, Christian, Schenkel, Alexander and Szabo, Richard J. (2017) Differential cohomology and locally covariant quantum field theory. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 29 (01). 1750003/1-1750003/42. ISSN 1793-6659

Benini, Marco, Dappiaggi, Claudio and Schenkel, Alexander (2018) Algebraic quantum field theory on spacetimes with timelike boundary. Annales Henri Poincaré, 19 (8). pp. 2401-2433. ISSN 1424-0661

Benini, Marco and Schenkel, Alexander (2017) Quantum field theories on categories fibered in groupoids. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 356 (1). pp. 19-64. ISSN 1432-0916

Benini, Marco and Schenkel, Alexander (2016) Poisson algebras for non-linear field theories in the Cahiers topos. Annales Henri Poincaré . pp. 1-30. ISSN 1424-0661

Benini, Marco, Schenkel, Alexander and Schreiber, Urs (2018) The stack of Yang-Mills fields on Lorentzian manifolds. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 359 (2). pp. 765-820. ISSN 1432-0916

Benini, Marco, Schenkel, Alexander and Szabo, Richard J. (2015) Homotopy colimits and global observables in Abelian gauge theory. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 105 (9). pp. 1193-1222. ISSN 1573-0530

Benkel, Robert, Bhattacharyya, Jishnu, Louko, Jorma, Mattingly, David and Sotiriou, Thomas P. (2018) Dynamical obstruction to perpetual motion from Lorentz-violating black holes. Physical Review D, 98 (2). 024034/1-024034/10. ISSN 2470-0029

Benkel, Robert, Sotiriou, Thomas P. and Witek, Helvi (2017) Black hole hair formation in shift-symmetric generalised scalar-tensor gravity. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 34 (6). 064001/1-064001/23. ISSN 1361-6382

Benkel, Robert, Sotiriou, Thomas P. and Witek, Helvi (2016) Dynamical scalar hair formation around a Schwarzschild black hole. Physical Review D, 94 (12). pp. 121503-1. ISSN 2470-0029

Bennett, Emma J., Brignell, Christopher J., Carion, Pierre W.C., Cook, Samantha M., Eastmond, Peter J., Teakle, Graham R., Hammond, John P., Love, Clare, King, Graham J., Roberts, Jeremy A. and Wagstaff, Carol (2017) Development of a statistical crop model to explain the relationship between seed yield and phenotypic diversity within the Brassica napus Genepool. Agronomy, 7 (2). 31/1-31/26. ISSN 2073-4395

Bharath, Karthik, Kambadur, Prabhanjan, Dey, Dipak. K., Rao, Arvind and Baladandayuthapani, Veerabhadran (2017) Statistical tests for large tree-structured data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112 (520). pp. 1733-1743. ISSN 1537-274X

Bharath, Karthik, Kurtek, Sebastian, Rao, Arvind and Baladandayuthapani, Veerabhadran (2018) Radiologic image-based statistical shape analysis of brain tumors. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 67 (5). pp. 1357-1378. ISSN 1467-9876

Bhattacharyya, Jishnu, Coates, Andrew, Colombo, Mattia, Gümrükçüoğlu, A. Emir and Sotiriou, Thomas P. (2018) Revisiting the cuscuton as a Lorentz-violating gravity theory. Physical Review D, 97 (6). 064020. ISSN 2470-0010

Bhattacharyya, Jishnu, Coates, Andrew, Colombo, Mattia and Sotiriou, Thomas P. (2016) Evolution and spherical collapse in Einstein-Æther theory and Hořava gravity. Physical Review D, 93 (6). 64056/1-64056/10. ISSN 2470-0029

Bhattacharyya, Jishnu, Colombo, Mattia and Sotiriou, Thomas P. (2016) Causality and black holes in spacetimes with a preferred foliation. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 33 (23). 235003/1-235003/45. ISSN 1361-6382

Bibi, Mairaj and Edjvet, Martin (2017) Solving equations of length seven over torsion-free groups. Journal of Group Theory, 21 (1). pp. 147-164. ISSN 1435-4446

Bilbao Guillerna, A., Axinte, Dragos A., Billingham, John and Cadot, G.B.J. (2017) Waterjet and laser etching: the nonlinear inverse problem. Royal Society Open Science, 4 (161031). ISSN 2054-5703

Billingham, John, Needham, D.J., Korsukova, E. and Munro, Richard J. (2017) The initial development of a jet caused by fluid, body and free surface interaction. Part 5. Parasitic capillary waves on an initially horizontal surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 836 . pp. 850-872. ISSN 1469-7645

Bin Ahmad, Abd Ghafur, Al-Mulla, Muna A. and Edjvet, Martin (2016) Asphericity of a length four relative presentation. Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 16 (04). p. 1750076. ISSN 1793-6829

Binder, B. J. and Cox, Stephen M. A mixer design for the pigtail braid. Fluid Dynamics Research . ISSN 0169-5983 (In Press)

Boccardo, Gianluca, Crevacore, Eleonora, Sethi, Rajandrea and Icardi, Matteo (2018) A robust upscaling of the effective particle deposition rate in porous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 212 . pp. 3-13. ISSN 0169-7722

Bokes, Pavol and King, John R. (2018) Limit-cycle oscillatory coexpression of cross-inhibitory transcription factors: a model mechanism for lineage promiscuity. Mathematical Medicine and Biology . ISSN 1477-8602

Bolton, Colin D. and Wattis, Jonathan A.D. (2004) The Becker-Döring equations with monomer input, competition and inhibition. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 37, . pp. 1971-1986. ISSN 0305-4470

Bonilla-Quintana, Mayte, Wedgwood, Kyle C.A., O'Dea, Reuben D. and Coombes, Stephen (2017) An analysis of waves underlying grid cell firing in the medial enthorinal cortex. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 7 (9). pp. 1-30. ISSN 2190-8567

Borrelli, Massimo, Sabí­n, Carlos, Adesso, Gerardo, Plastina, Francesco and Maniscalco, Sabrina (2012) Dynamics of atom–atom correlations in the Fermi problem. New Journal of Physics, 14 . 103010/14PP)-103010/14. ISSN 1367-2630

Bowler, Louise A., Gavaghan, David J., Mirams, Gary R. and Whiteley, Jonathan P. (2018) Representation of multiple cellular phenotypes within tissue-level simulations of cardiac electrophysiology. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology . ISSN 0092-8240 (In Press)

Bowles, P., Guţă, M. and Adesso, Gerardo (2012) Asymptotically optimal quantum channel reversal for qudit ensembles and multimode Gaussian states. New Journal of Physics, 14 . 113041/1-113041/17. ISSN 1367-2630

Brabazon, Keeran J., Hubbard, Matthew E. and Jimack, Peter K. (2014) Nonlinear multigrid methods for second order differential operators with nonlinear diffusion coefficient. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 68 (12A). pp. 1619-1634. ISSN 0898-1221

Bradshaw, Joel and Billingham, John (2018) Thick drops climbing uphill on an oscillating substrate. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 840 . pp. 131-153. ISSN 1469-7645

Brailsford, David F. and Ford, Brian (1971) 3-body energy terms in a quartet state of H3. Chemical Physics Letters, 12 (1). pp. 60-61.

Brailsford, David F. and Ford, Brian (1970) Calculated ionization potentials of the linear alkanes. Molecular Physics, 18 (5). pp. 621-630.

Brailsford, David F., Hall, G. G., Hemming, N. and Martin, D. (1975) Floating s- and p-type Gaussian Orbitals. Chemical Physics Letters, 35 (4). pp. 437-440.

Brailsford, David F. and Hall, George G. (1971) Symmetry properties of one- and two- electron molecular integrals. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, V . pp. 657-668.

Brailsford, David F. and Hylton, Jane (1973) Fast assembly of fock matrices utilising symmetry properties of the basis set. Chemical Physics Letters, 18 (4). pp. 595-597.

Brailsford, David F. and Prentice, John A. (1973) The OPIT system II: job control and scheduling for large applications programs. Computer Physics Communications, 5 (2). pp. 136-146. ISSN 0010-4655

Brailsford, David F. and Robertson, Andrew J. B. (1968) Calculation of electric field strengths at a sharp edge. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics, 1 . pp. 75-85.

Braun, Wilhelm, Matthews, Paul C. and Thul, Ruediger (2015) First passage times in integrate-and-fire neurons with stochastic thresholds. Physical Review E, 91 . 052701/1-052701/7. ISSN 1539-3755

Braun, Wilhelm and Thul, Ruediger (2017) Sign changes as a universal concept in first-passage-time calculations. Physical Review E, 95 (012114). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2470-0053

Braun, Wilhelm, Thul, Ruediger and Longtin, André (2017) Evolution of moments and correlations in non-renewal escape-time processes. Physical Review E, 95 . 052127. ISSN 1550-2376

Bringmann, Kathrin, Diamantis, Nikolaos and Ehlen, Stephan (2017) Regularized inner products and errors of modularity. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017 (24). pp. 7420-7458. ISSN 1687-0247

Bringmann, Kathrin, Diamantis, Nikolaos and Raum, Martin (2013) Mock period functions, sesquiharmonic Maass forms, and non-critical values of L-functions. Advances in Mathematics, 233 (1). pp. 115-134. ISSN 0001-8708

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Yu, J., Tan, M.T., Cox, Stephen M. and Goh, W.L. (2012) Time-domain analysis of intermodulation distortion of closed-loop Class D amplifiers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27 (5). pp. 2453-2461. ISSN 0885-8993

Zachariou, Margarita, Alexander, Stephen P.H., Coombes, Stephen and Christodoulou, Chris (2013) A biophysical model of endocannabinoid-mediated short term depression in hippocampal inhibition. PLoS ONE, 8 (3). e58296/1-e58296/23. ISSN 1932-6203

Zachariou, Margarita, Dissanayake, Dilshani, Owen, Markus R., Mason, Rob and Coombes, Stephen (2006) The role of cannabinoids in the neurobiology of sensory gating: a firing rate model study. Neurocomputing, 70 (10/12). pp. 1902-1906. ISSN 0925-2312

Zachariou, Margarita, Dissanayake, Dilshani W N, Coombes, Stephen, Owen, Markus R. and Mason, Robert (2008) Sensory gating and its modulation by cannabinoids: electrophysiological, computational and mathematical analysis. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2 . pp. 159-170. ISSN 1871-4099

Zachariou, Margarita and Thul, Ruediger (2014) Cannabinoid-mediated short-term plasticity in hippocampus. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 37 (3). pp. 533-547. ISSN 1573-6873

Zhang, Jeff F., Papanikolaou, Nikos E., Kypraios, Theodore and Drovandi, Christopher C. (2018) Optimal experimental design for predator–prey functional response experiments. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 15 (144). 0186. ISSN 1742-5689

Zhang, Kewei, Crooks, Elaine and Orlando, Antonio (2018) Compensated convexity methods for approximations and interpolations of sampled functions in Euclidean spaces: applications to contour lines, sparse data and inpainting. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences . ISSN 1936-4954 (In Press)

Zhang, Kewei, Crooks, Elaine and Orlando, Antonio (2016) Compensated convexity methods for approximations and interpolations of sampled functions in Euclidean spaces: theoretical foundations. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 48 (6). pp. 4126-4154. ISSN 1095-7154

Zhang, Kewei, Crooks, Elaine and Orlando, Antonio (2016) Compensated convex transforms and geometric singularity extraction from semiconvex functions. Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 46 (5). pp. 747-768. ISSN 1674-7216

Zhang, Kewei, Crooks, Elaine and Orlando, Antonio (2015) Compensated convexity, multiscale medial axis maps and sharp regularity of the squared-distance function. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 47 (6). pp. 4289-4331. ISSN 1095-7154

Zhang, Kewei, Orlando, Antonio and Crooks, Elaine (2015) Compensated convexity and Hausdorff stable extraction of intersections for smooth manifolds. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 25 (05). pp. 839-873. ISSN 1793-6314

Zhang, Kewei, Orlando, Antonio and Crooks, Elaine (2014) Compensated convexity and Hausdorff stable geometric singularity extractions. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 25 (04). pp. 747-801. ISSN 1793-6314

Zhang, Zhengwu, Su, Jingyong, Klassen, Eric, Le, Huiling and Srivastava, Anuj (2018) Rate-invariant analysis of covariance trajectories. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision . ISSN 1573-7683

Zhou, Diwei, Dryden, Ian L., Koloydenko, Alexey A., Audenaert, Koenraad M.R. and Bai, Li (2016) Regularisation, interpolation and visualisation of diffusion tensor images using non-Euclidean statistics. Journal of Applied Statistics, 43 (5). pp. 943-978. ISSN 1360-0532

Zhou, L.J., Carrington, Margaret E., Kunstatter, Gabor and Louko, Jorma (2017) Smooth and sharp creation of a pointlike source for a (3+1)-dimensional quantum field. Physical Review D, 95 (8). 085007. ISSN 2470-0029

Zhu, Hao, Owen, Markus R. and Mao, Yanlan (2016) The spatiotemporal order of signaling events unveils the logic of development signaling. Bioinformatics, 32 (15). pp. 2313-2320.

Zhu, Liang, Giani, Stefano, Houston, Paul and Schoetzau, Dominik (2009) Energy norm a-posteriori error estimation for hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic problems in three dimensions. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS) . ISSN 0218-2025 (Submitted)

van Gennip, Yves (2018) An MBO scheme for minimizing the graph Ohta-Kawasaki functional. Journal of Nonlinear Science . ISSN 1432-1467

van Gennip, Yves, Athavale, Prashant, Gilles, Jérôme and Choksi, Rustum (2015) A regularization approach to blind deblurring and denoising of QR barcodes. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24 (9). pp. 2864-2873. ISSN 1941-0042

van Gennip, Yves, Guillen, Nestor, Osting, Braxton and Bertozzi, Andrea L. (2014) Mean curvature, threshold dynamics, and phase field theory on finite graphs. Milan Journal of Mathematics, 82 (1). pp. 3-65. ISSN 1424-9286

van Gennip, Yves, Hunter, Blake, Ma, Anna, Moyer, Dan, de Vera, Ryan and Bertozzi, Andrea L. (2018) Unsupervised record matching with noisy and incomplete data. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics . ISSN 2364-415X

van Gennip, Yves and Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane (2017) Introduction: big data and partial differential equations. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 28 (6). pp. 877-885. ISSN 1469-4425

van Leeuwen, Ingeborg M. M., Byrne, Helen M, Jensen, Oliver E. and King, John R. (2007) Elucidating the interactions between the adhesive and transcriptioanl functions of beta-catenin in normal and cancerous cells. Journal of Theoretical Biology . (In Press)

van Rossum, Mark C.W., Shippi, Maria and Barrett, Adam B. (2012) Soft-bound synaptic plasticity increases storage capacity. PLoS Computational Biology, 8 (12). e1002836/1-e1002836/11. ISSN 1553-7358

Şimşek, G., Wu, X., van der Zee, K.G. and van Brummelen, E.H. (2015) Duality-based two-level error estimation for time-dependent PDEs: application to linear and nonlinear parabolic equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 288 . pp. 83-109. ISSN 1879-2138

Conference or Workshop Item

Antonietti, Paola F. and Houston, Paul (2011) Preconditioning high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of elliptic problems. In: 20th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, 7-11 Feb 2011, UC San Diego, California, USA. (Submitted)

Baharuddin, Mohd Hafiz, Smartt, Chris, Maricar, Mohamed Ismaeel, Thomas, David W.P., Gradoni, Gabriele, Creagh, Stephen C. and Tanner, Gregor (2018) Analysis of nonstationary emissions for efficient characterization of stochastic EM fields. In: International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE 2018), 27-30 Aug 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Barrack, Duncan S., Goulding, James, Hopcraft, Keith, Preston, Simon and Smith, Gavin (2015) AMP: a new time-frequency feature extraction method for intermittent time-series data. In: 1st International Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series (MiLeTS), 10-13 August 2015, Sydney, Australia.

Brailsford, David F. (1975) Approximate ab initio calculations and the method of molecular fragments. In: Quantum Chemistry - The State of the Art, 8-10 April 1974, St Catherine's College Oxford.

Cliffe, Andrew, Hall, Edward and Houston, Paul (2013) Application of hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods to bifurcation phenomena in pipe flows. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2011, 5-9 September 2011, Leicester, UK.

Coates, Tom, Corti, Alessio, Galkin, Sergey, Golyshev, Vasily and Kasprzyk, Alexander M. (2013) Mirror symmetry and Fano manifolds. In: 6th European Congress of Mathematics, 2-7 July 2012, Krakow, Poland.

Collis, Joe and Houston, Paul (2016) Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods on polytopic meshes. In: X-DMS eXtended Discretization Methods, 9-11 Sept 2015, Ferrara, Italy.

Congreve, Scott and Houston, Paul (2013) Two-grid hp-DGFEM for second order quasilinear elliptic PDEs based on an incomplete Newton iteration. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications, 1-4 April 2012, Las Vegas, USA.

Congreve, Scott, Houston, Paul and Wihler, Thomas P. (2013) hp-adaptive two-grid discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for quasi-Newtonian fluid flows. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2011, 5-9 September 2011, Leicester, UK.

Goulding, James, Preston, Simon P. and Smith, Gavin (2016) Event series prediction via non-homogeneous Poisson process modelling. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 12-25 Dec 2016, Barcelona., Spain.

Houston, Paul, Georgoulis, Emmanuil H. and Hall, Edward (2006) Adaptivity and A Posteriori Error Estimation For DG Methods on Anisotropic Meshes. In: International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL) - Computational and Asymptotic Methods.

Kumar, D.S., Creagh, Stephen C., Sujecki, S. and Benson, Trevor M. (2017) Modelling chaos in asymmetric optical fibres. In: 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2-6 July 2017, Girona, Spain.

Kuryzheva, Olga, Nerukh, Alexander and Benson, Trevor M. (2016) Resonances excited by an airy pulse in a dielectric layer. In: 24th International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2016), 20-21 May 2016, Warsaw, Poland.

Liuzzo-Scorpo, Pietro and Adesso, Gerardo (2017) Optimal secure quantum teleportation of coherent states of light. In: SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering 2017, Quantum Photonic Devices, 6-10 August 2017, San Diego, California, USA.

Maricar, Mohamed Ismaeel, Gradoni, Gabriele, Greedy, Steve, Ivrlac, Michel T., Nossek, Josef A., Phang, Sendy, Creagh, Stephen C., Tanner, Gregor and Thomas, David W.P. (2016) Analysis of a near field MIMO wireless channel using 5.6 GHz dipole antennas. In: 2016 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC, 23-25 May 2016, Valencia, Spain.

Phang, Sendy, Vukovic, Ana, Creagh, Stephen, Benson, Trevor M., Gradoni, Gabriele and Sewell, Phillip D. (2015) Threshold manipulation in parity-time symmetric microresonator chain. In: 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, 7-10 September 2015, Oxford.

Phang, Sendy, Vukovic, Ana, Creagh, Stephen, Benson, Trevor M., Gradoni, Gabriele and Sewell, Phillip D. (2015) Parity-time chain of whispering-gallery mode resonators. In: META15, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 4-7 August 2015, New York, USA.

Phang, Sendy, Vukovic, Ana, Creagh, Stephen, Gradoni, Gabriele, Sewell, Phillip and Benson, Trevor M. (2016) Parity-time symmetric chain resonators. In: 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 16), 25-28 July 2016, Malaga, Spain.

Phang, Sendy, Vukovic, Ana, Creagh, Stephen, Gradoni, Gabriele, Sewell, Phillip and Benson, Trevor M. (2016) Time-modulated gain and loss parity-time symmetric resonators. In: 24th International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2016), 20-21 May 2016, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)

Phang, Sendy, Vukovic, Ana, Creagh, Stephen, Sewell, Phillip D., Gradoni, Gabriele and Benson, Trevor M. (2015) Coupled parity-time symmetric cavities: results from transmission line modelling simulations. In: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2015, 5-9 July, 2015, Budapest, Hungary. (In Press)

Pierce-Brown, Jack, Neves, Luis C. and Brown, Donald L. (2018) Uncertainty quantification for random fields estimated from effective moduli of elasticity. In: 8th International Workshop on Reliable Computing "Computing with Confidence", 16-18 July 2018, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.

Sójka, L., Tang, Z., Furniss, David, Sakr, H., Bereś-Pawlik, E., Seddon, Angela B., Benson, Trevor M. and Sujecki, S. (2016) Numerical investigation of mid-infrared laser action in Pr3+ doped chalcogenide fibre laser. In: 24th International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2016), 20-21 May 2016, Warsaw, Poland.

Tsagris, Michail, Preston, Simon and Wood, Andrew T.A. (2011) A data-based power transformation for compositional data. In: CoDaWork'11: 4th international workshop on Compositional Data Analysis, 10-13 May 2011, Girona, Spain.

van Gennip, Yves (2017) Using evolving interface techniques to solve network problems. In: Emerging Developments in Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 22-28 January 2017, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach, Germany.

Book Section

Antonietti, Paola F., Cangiani, Andrea, Collis, Joe, Dong, Zhaonan, Georgoulis, Emmanuil H., Giani, Stefano and Houston, Paul (2015) Review of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for partial differential equations on complicated domains. In: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering . Springer Verlag. (Submitted)

Coombes, Stephen (2015) Mathematical neuroscience: from neurons to networks. In: Actes du colloque "EDP-Normandie" : Le Havre 2015. Fédération Normandie Mathématiques, Caen, pp. 153-160. ISBN 9782954122137

Coombes, Stephen, Schmidt, Helmut and Avitabile, Daniele (2014) Spots: breathing, drifting and scattering in a neural field model. In: Neural fields: theory and applications. Springer, Berlin, pp. 187-211. ISBN 9783642545931

Coombes, Stephen and Zachariou, Margarita Gap junctions and emergent rhythms. In: Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks. Springer. (Submitted)

Giani, Stefano and Houston, Paul (2010) High-order hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for compressible fluid flows. In: ADIGMA - a European initiative on the development of adaptive higher-order variational methods for aerospace applications. Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design (113). Springer, Berlin, pp. 399-411. ISBN 978-3-642-03706-1

Gomez, Hector and van der Zee, Kristoffer George (2017) Computational phase-field modeling. In: Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.. ISBN 978-1-119-00379-3

Hartmann, Ralf and Houston, Paul (2009) Error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement for aerodynamic flows. In: Proceedings of the 36THCFD/Adigma course on HP-adaptive and HP-multigrid methods. von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode Saint Genèse, Belgium. ISBN 978-2-930389-98-2 (In Press)

Houston, Paul (2017) Adjoint error estimation and adaptivity for hyperbolic problems. In: Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems. Applied and Modern Issues. Handbook of numerical analysis (18). Elsevier / North Holland, pp. 233-261. ISBN 9780444639103

Irons, Linda, Collis, Joe and O'Dea, Reuben D. (2017) Microstructural influences on growth and transport in biological tissue—a multiscale description. In: Modeling of microscale transport in biological processes. Academic Press, Boston, pp. 311-334. ISBN 9780128045954

Kasprzyk, Alexander M. and Nill, Benjamin (2013) Fano polytopes. In: Strings, gauge fields, and the geometry behind: the legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer. World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 349-364. ISBN 978-981-4412-54-4

Lawson, Tyler and Wuthrich, Christian (2016) Vanishing of some Galois cohomology groups for elliptic curves. In: Elliptic curves, modular forms and Iwasawa theory: in honour of John H. Coates' 70th birthday, Cambridge, UK, March 2015. Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics (188). Springer, pp. 373-399. ISBN 978-3-319-45032-2

Phang, Sendy, Benson, Trevor M., Susanto, Hadi, Creagh, Stephen C., Gradoni, Gabriele, Sewell, Phillip D. and Vukovic, Ana (2017) Theory and numerical modelling of parity-time symmetric structures in photonics: introduction and grating structures in one dimension. In: Recent trends in computational photonics. Springer series in optical sciences (204). Springer Nature, Cham, pp. 161-205. ISBN 978-3-319-55437-2

Phang, Sendy, Vukovic, Ana, Gradoni, Gabriele, Sewell, Phillip, Benson, Trevor M. and Creagh, Stephen C. (2017) Theory and numerical modelling of parity-time symmetric structures in photonics: boundary integral equation for coupled microresonator structures. In: Recent Trends in Computational Photonics. Springer Series in Optical Sciences (204). Springer Nature, pp. 207-233. ISBN 9783319554372

Thul, Ruediger, Bellamy, Tom, Roderick, Llewelyn, Bootman, Martin and Coombes, Stephen (2007) Calcium oscillations. In: Cellular Oscillatory Mechanisms. Advances in experimental medicine and biology (641). Springer, New York, pp. 1-27. ISBN 9780387097930

Thul, Ruediger and Falcke, Martin (2007) Building oscillations bottom up: elemental time scales of intracellular calcium dynamics. In: Analysis and control of complex nonlinear processes in physics, chemistry and biology. World Scientific lecture notes in complex systems (5). World Scientific, River Edge, NJ, pp. 293-324. ISBN 9789812705839


Billingham, John (2017) Full street simplified three player Kuhn poker. Working Paper. ArXiv. (Unpublished)

Billingham, John (2017) Simplified three player Kuhn poker. Working Paper. Arxiv. (Unpublished)

O'Neill, Philip D. and Kypraios, Theodore (2014) Bayesian model choice via mixture distributions with application to epidemics and population process models. Working Paper. University of Nottingham. (Unpublished)

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