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Library of Congress Subject Areas
A General Works
AM Museums
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
B Philosophy (General)
BC Logic
BD Speculative philosophy
BF Psychology
BH Aesthetics
BJ Ethics
BL Religion
BM Judaism
BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc.
BR Christianity
BS The Bible
BT Doctrinal theology
BV Practical theology
BX Christian denominations
C Auxiliary sciences of history
CB History of civilization
CC Archaeology
CJ Numismatics
CR Heraldry
CT Biography
D History - General and Old World
D History (General)
D111 Medieval history
D731 World War II
DA Great Britain
DB Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechoslovakia
DC France
DD Germany
DE The Mediterranean region. The Greco-Roman world
DF Greece
DG Italy
DJK Eastern Europe
DK Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics
DL Northern Europe. Scandinavia
DP Spain. Portugal
DQ Switzerland
DR Balkan Peninsula
DS Asia
DT Africa
DU Oceania (South Seas)
E History - America
E11 America (General)
E151 United States (General)
F United States local history. History of Canada and Latin America
F1 United States local history
F1001 Canada (General)
F1201 Latin America (General)
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
G Geography (General)
GA Mathematical geography. Cartography
GB Physical geography
GC Oceanography
GE Environmental Sciences
GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography
GN Anthropology
GR Folklore
GT Manners and customs
GV Recreation. Leisure
H Social sciences
H Social sciences (General)
HA Statistics
HB Economic theory
HC Economic history and conditions
HD Industries. Land use. Labor
HE Transportation and communications
HF Commerce
HG Finance
HJ Public finance
HM Sociology
HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
HT Communities. Classes. Races
HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
HX Socialism. Communism. Anarchism
J Political science
JA Political science (General)
JC Political theory
JF Political institutions (General)
JK Political institutions (United States)
JL Political institutions (Canada, Latin America, etc.)
JN Political institutions (Europe)
JN101 Great Britain
JQ Political institutions (Asia, Africa, Australasia, etc.)
JS Local government. Municipal government
JV Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration
JZ International relations
K Law
K Law (General)
KB Religious law
KD England and Wales
KF United States
KG South America
KJ Europe
KM Asia
KQ Africa
KZ Law of nations. Law of the sea. Space law
L Education
L Education (General)
LA History of education
LB Theory and practice of education
LB1024 Teaching
LB1050 Educational psychology
LB1101 Child study. Preschool education
LB1501 Primary education
LB1603 Secondary education. High schools
LB1705 Education of teachers
LB2300 Higher education
LC Special aspects of education
LC 65 Social aspects of education
LC 251 Moral and religious education
LC1 Forms of education, including self, home, alternative, private
LC1001 Types of education, including humanistic, vocational, professional
LC1390 Education of special classes of persons
LC5201 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education
LD-LG Individual institutions
M Music and Literature on music
M Music
ML Literature of music
MT Musical instruction and study
N Fine Arts
N Visual arts (General). For photography, see TR
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing. Design. Illustration
ND Painting
NE Print media
NK Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament
NX Arts in general
P Language and literature
P Philology. Linguistics
PA Classical philology
PB Modern European languages. Celtic languages
PC Romance languages
PD Germanic languages
PE English
PF West Germanic
PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages and literature
PJ Oriental languages and literatures
PK Indo-Iranian
PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PN Literature (General)
PN 80 Criticism
PN 441 Literary history
PN1990 Broadcasting
PN1993 Motion pictures
PN2000 Dramatic representation. The Theater
PQ Romance literatures
PQ1 French literature
PQ4001 Italian literature
PQ6001 Spanish literature
PQ9000 Portuguese literature
PR English literature
PS American literature
PT Germanic literature
PZ Children's literature
Q Science
Q Science (General)
QA Mathematics
QA 75 Electronic computers. Computer science
QA150 Algebra
QA273 Probabilities
QA276 Mathematical statistics
QA299 Analysis
QA440 Geometry
QA611 Topology
QA801 Analytic mechanics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QC120 Mechanics
QC170 Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter
QC20 Mathematical physics
QC220 Acoustics. Sound
QC251 Heat
QC350 Optics. Light, including spectroscopy
QC474 Radiation physics (General)
QC501 Electricity and magnetism
QC770 Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity
QC801 Geophysics. Cosmic physics
QC811 Geomagnetism. Meteorology. Climatology
QD Chemistry
QD 71 Analytical chemistry
QD146 Inorganic chemistry
QD241 Organic chemistry
QD415 Biochemistry
QD450 Physical and theoretical chemistry
QD901 Crystallography
QE Geology
QH Natural history. Biology
QH 75 Nature conservation. Landscape protection
QH 84 Geophysical distribution. Biogeography
QH201 Microscopy
QH301 Biology (General)
QH359 Evolution
QH426 Genetics
QH471 Reproduction. Life
QH540 Ecology
QH573 Cytology
QK Botany
QK Botany (General), including geographical distribution
QK457 Spermatophyta. Phanerogams
QK504 Cryprogams
QK640 Plant anatomy
QK710 Plant physiology
QK900 Plant ecology
QL Zoology
QL1 Zoology (General), including geographical distribution
QL360 Invertebrates
QL605 Chordates. Vertebrates
QL750 Animal behaviour
QL801 Anatomy
QL951 Embryology
QM Human anatomy
QP Physiology
QP1 Physiology (General) including influence of the environment
QP351 Neurophysiology and neuropsychology
QP501 Animal biochemistry
QR Microbiology
QR 75 Bacteria. Cyanobacteria
QR100 Microbial ecology
QR171 Microorganisms in the animal body
QR180 Immunology
QR355 Virology
QS-QZ Preclinical sciences (NLM Classification)
QS Human anatomy
QT Physiology
QU Biochemistry
QV Pharmacology
QW Microbiology. Immunology
QW1 Microbiology
QW501 Immunology
QX Parasitology
QY Clinicial pathology
QZ Pathology
R Medicine
R Medicine (General)
R855 Medical technology. Biomedical engineering. Electronics
RA Public aspects of medicine
RA 421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine
RA1001 Forensic medicine. Medical jurisprudence. Legal medicine
RB Pathology
RC Internal medicine
RC 254 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology (including Cancer)
RC 321 Neuroscience. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry
RC1200 Sports medicine
RD Surgery
RE Ophthalmology
RF Otorhinolaryngology
RG Gynecology and obstetrics
RJ Pediatrics
RK Dentistry
RL Dermatology
RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
RS Pharmacy and materia medica
RT Nursing
S Agriculture
S Agriculture (General)
SB Plant culture
SD Forestry
SF Animal culture
SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
SK Hunting sports
T Technology
T Technology (General)
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
TA 357 Fluid mechanics
TA 365 Acoustics in engineering. Acoustical engineering
TA 501 Surveying
TA 630 Structural engineering (General)
TA 703 Engineering geology. Rock and soil mechanics
TA1501 Applied optics. Phonics
TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering
TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements
TF Railroad engineering and operation
TG Bridge engineering
TH Building construction
TH 845 Architectural engineering
TH6014 Environmental and sanitary engineering of buildings
TH7005 Heating and ventilation. Air conditioning
TH7700 Illumination. Lighting
TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
TJ170 Mechanics applied to machinery. Dynamics
TJ212 Control engineering systems. Automatic machinery
TJ255 Heat engines. Turbines
TJ751 Internal combustion engines. Diesel engines
TJ807 Renewable energy sources
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
TK3001 Distribution or transmission of electric power
TK5101 Telecommunication
TK7800 Electronics
TK7885 Computer engineering. Computer hardware
TK8300 Photoelectronic devices
TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy
TP Chemical technology
TP 155 Chemical engineering
TP 368 Food processing and manufacture
TP 785 Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass
TP1080 Polymers and polymer manufacture
TR Photography
TS Manufactures
TT Handicrafts. Arts and crafts
TX Home economics
U Military science
U Military science (General)
V Naval science
VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering
W Medicine and related subjects (NLM Classification)
W Health professions
WA Public health
WB Practice of medicine
WC Communicable diseases
WD Disorders of systemic, metabolic or environmental origin
WE Muscoskeletal system
WF Respiratory system
WG Cardiocascular system
WH Hemic and lymphatic system
WI Digestive system
WJ Urogenital system
WK Endocrine system
WL Nervous system
WM Psychiatry
WN Radiology. Diagnostic imaging
WO Surgery
WP Gynecology
WQ Obstetrics
WR Dermatology
WS Pediatrics
WT Geriatrics. Chronic disease
WU Dentistry. Oral surgery
WV Otolaryngology
WW Ophthalmology
WX Hospitals and other health facilities
WY Nursing
Z Bibliography. Library science. Information resources
Z Bibliography. Library science. Information resources