Number of items at this level: 280.
Abdalrahim, Asem Ahmed
The use of digital-touch screen technology in reminiscence work with people with dementia in Jordanian care homes: a feasibility study.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Agboola, Shade
Smoking relapse prevention: abstinence, relapse, current practice and effective interventions.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Akiens, Samantha
A feasibility randomised control trial of acceptance and commitment therapy for spinal cord stimulation surgery patients.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Al Mousa, Yaqoub
An embedded mixed methods investigation of factors associated with the quality of mental health care in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA): a structure, process and outcome evaluation.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Albini, Laura and Browne, Kevin
The impact of attitudes, attachment and partner control on intimate partner violence(IPV): a cross-cultural comparison.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Alemohammad, Mehd
Exploring the effectiveness of evidence-based methods to measure and improve offenders’ engagement in treatment.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Alghamdi, Mohammed
Developing effective narrative exposure therapy interventions for Saudi firefighters.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Allen, Rachel
An exploration into the impact of patient aggression towards staff in secure forensic hospitals – from risk factors to coping.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Allotey, Jennifer
"It's my normal": an exploration of adversity, attachment, trauma, and adolescent harmful sexual behaviour.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Alothman, Danah
Clinical, behavioural and social indicators of suicide risk: a population-based nationally representative longitudinal study from England.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ang, Lip Tat
An exploratory study of autistic-like traits and empathy deficits in male offenders and adolescents.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Antonini, Carolina E
Childhood trauma in individuals who experience the criminal justice system: an exploration of the role of early maladaptive schemas and the benefits of psychological interventions.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Anupansupsai, Rungarun
A cross-cultural study of self-harm comparing the UK and Thailand.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Arnold, Tom
Risk factors between online and offline methods of post-relationship contact.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Arora Fedyushkin, Iti
Investigating profiles of attention and arousal in Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ashwin, Catherine Anne Cecelia
A mixed methods study exploring the intricacies of smoking: stopping and relapsing during the transition to motherhood.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ashworth, Sarah
Attitudes towards mentally disordered offenders.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Awadalla, Suheir
The impact of depression and anxiety on academic performance among university students in UAE: evaluating a CBT-based online intervention in academically struggling students with low mood.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Aysazci-Cakar, Fatma
Investigation of the effectiveness of Narrative Exposure Therapy in the Syrian refugee population and the potential role of it in Self-Concept Clarity.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Babbage, Camilla
Development of a self-help digital intervention for young people with Tourette syndrome.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bailey, Alexandra Jayne
Pornography, the Internet and sexual offending.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bailey, Tom James
Executive functions as moderators of the neuroticism-burnout relationship.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bailie, Hugh Alistair
"From the same mad planet": a grounded theory study of service users' accounts of the relationship that develops within professional peer support at work.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Baldwin, Laurence James
The discourse of professional identity in child and adolescent mental health services.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Baliousis, Michail
Neuropsychological deficits in the antisocial personality and their relationship to progress in treatment.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bardi, Josephine N.
Ethnography of an informal community mental health service:
exploring the place, people and participation at The Dragon Café.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Barksby, Justine
The impact of restrictive interventions in a learning disability service.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bayliss, Katrina
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and further validation of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT).
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Benford, Penny
The use of Internet-based communication by people with autism.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bennett, Claire
Developing a tool to support diagnostic delivery of dementia.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Berry, Lauren
The importance of offender motivation in violence reduction treatment.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Berry, Nazm
Exploring the relationship among stress, psychological wellbeing, and performance in healthcare professionals and healthcare students.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Biswas, Sanchia Rima
Transitions into adulthood for children with a severe intellectual disability: parents' views.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Blazey, Faye
Resilience in victims of stalking and obsessional relational intrusion.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Boeles Rowland, Essie
Does using action-oriented language increase men’s preferences for psychological therapies?
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bogdanovica, Ilze
Tobacco control in the European Union.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Booth, Victoria
The influence of dementia on falls, gait and rehabilitation.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bosco, Alessandro
The social understanding of mental health crisis in dementia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bowker, Katharine
The effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy: investigating the role of nicotine substitution, nicotine metabolism and pregnant smokers’ experiences.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Boxford, Fiona A.
The effect of attachment style and level of empathy on intimate partner violence in adolescent romantic relationships.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Braham, Lydia
Impulsivity, aggression and trauma history in repeat and one-off female offenders.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bromley, Alison
The traumatic effect of homicide in mentally disordered offenders and implications for treatment.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Brooks, Dan
Staying connected and navigating the pandemic: A mixed-methods study into the impact of COVID-19 on UK Veterans.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Browne, Bethany Grace
The impact of implicit theories on attitudes and responses to individuals with sexual convictions.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bull, Elinor
Individual differences, autism spectrum disorder, pathological demand avoidance; impulsivity, emotional stability and delinquency.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bull, Sophie
Personality, social support and risk-taking/antisocial behaviour: a study of their interactions.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Burdett, Mark
Exploring clients’ meta-comments in psychotherapy using conversation analysis.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Burgon, Clare
Exploration of apathy in people living with neurocognitive disorder.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Caldwell, Frances
An investigation into the impact of conflict and non-conflict related traumas in the north of Ireland on PTSD and aggression.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cale, Jennifer
Characterisation of GABAergic interneurons in a dual-hit neurodevelopmental model for schizophrenia.
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Canacott, Louise
How do women with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder detained in secure and locked services perceive recovery?: a grounded theory.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cant, Richard
Offenders with learning disabilities: the involvement & attitudes of professionals.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Carter, L.J.
The dark tetrad, intimate partner violence and the mediating role of moral disengagement.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Challinor, L.E.
An exploration into the impact of care staff attitudes towards men who have sexually offended.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cheung, Yuen Kiu
Personality traits and scholastic cheating in a student population: exploring whether personality is a predictor of scholastic cheating using the HEXACO-60 and Dark Triad (DT).
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Claire, Ravinder
Assessing the efficacy of Nicotine Replacement Therapy for smoking cessation during pregnancy.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Clegg, Jennifer
Interactions and relationships in adults with intellectual disability.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Clegg, Judy
Developmental language disorders: a longitudinal study of cognitive, social and psychiatric functioning.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Conlin, Alice
Patients' experiences of high secure hospital readmission following unsuccessful trial leave.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cook, Lydia Caroline
Perceptions of stalking: a comparison of the prior-relationship misconception and perceptions of threat for transgender and cisgender perpetrators.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Corson, Eliza-Jane
Psychosocial factors implicated in the development of antisocial personality disorder.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cousins, Emily
Making meaning, creating connection: a taxonomy of arts interventions for people with dementia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Crabtree, Cassy
Positive behaviour support: A tool for sexual offending risk management?
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cross, Kathryn
Is emotional maltreatment in childhood a predictor of risk-taking behaviours in adults?
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
D'Errico, Danila
Investigating the application of Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) to reduce symptoms of traumatic stress in cancer patients not in active treatment: a naturalistic single case study series.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
D'Errico, Danila
Understanding community disruption in the aftermath of earthquakes: the 2009 L’Aquila and 2016 Amatrice earthquakes in central Italy.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Daniels, Sophie
Pornography and sexual aggression in adult males.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Davies, Eleanor Bethan
Development of an online intervention to increase mental health literacy and promote self-management of depression in university students.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Davies, Kerry
What is a crisis?: service user, carer and professional understandings of crisis: a Q-methodological approach.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Davis, Megan
An exploration of crimes related to online dating.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Day, N.J.
Exploring online sexual behaviours from a forensic psychological perspective.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Deakin, Emilia
Mixed methods exploration of how people who have experienced psychosis develop a social identity as a ‘person in recovery’.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dervley, Rebekah
Impulsivity in adult male sexual offenders.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dhalwani, Nafeesa N.
Using primary care data to assess population-level estimates of maternal smoking and nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dias, Ana
An investigation into revenge pornography.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dib, Joseph
TREC-Lebanon – rapid tranquilisation of patients at risk of an aggressive episode in the emergency psychiatry setting.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dinas, Sharonjit
The body in therapy: experiences of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dixon, Megan
Adolescents’ conceptualisations of depression and recovery:
a discourse analysis.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Doran, Dan
Narratives of friendship and mental health.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Drysdale, Stephen J.
Understanding the impact of childhood trauma.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dudka, Katarzyna
Childhood neglect and intimate partner violence: the mediating role of the dark triad.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Duffy, Athena
Do thinking styles play a role in whether people pathologise their pornography use?
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dustagheer, Elspeth
An exploration of revenge within romantic relationships.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Elliott, Natasha Alicia
Investigating the mechanisms of neural-visceral coupling for therapeutic applications.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
English, Brad
Consensus-based good practice guidelines for Clinical Psychologists to support care staff in enabling sexual expression in people with intellectual disabilities - a Delphi study.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Eraslan, Semanur
Understanding effects of reality disjunction in communication between people living with dementia and their carers - care home study.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Fatania, Vidya
How do inpatient psychiatric nurses make sense of and respond to behaviours in dementia?
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Faure Walker, Dulcie
Adverse childhood experiences among females who sexually abuse.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Felton, Anne
'Psychiatry is a risk business': the construction of mental health service users as objects of risk: a multiple case study inquiry.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Finlay-Carruthers, Gemma
Experiences of family members of adult children in forensic services and their interactions with mental health professionals.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Francis, Ashley
The development and validation of the comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT).
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Fuller, Millie
How dark are stalking attitudes? an investigation of individual differences in stalking attitudes and associated behaviour online.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Furniss, Lauren
Risk assessment with intellectually disabled offenders.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Garcha, Enderdeep
An exploration of the impact of complex psychological trauma on violent males.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Garland, Anne
The role of shame, self-criticism and self-compassion in persistent, treatment resistant depression.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Garner, Emma Victoria
Psychological flexibility as a predictor of professional quality of life in newly qualified psychological therapy practitioners.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Gaskin, Philip Laurence Roy
Evaluation of novel dual-hit models of 'schizophrenia-like' symptoms in the rat.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Gerritzen, Esther Vera
Online peer support for people with Young Onset Dementia: development of a best practice guidance.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Gil Socorro, Africa
Female attitudes and attitude change toward males and females, following exposure to soft-core pornography, varying in levels of aggression.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Gilbey, Ben, Baliousis, M., Tickle, A., Varela, J. and Woodrow, C.
Consensus Good Practice Guidelines for the Use of Long-Term Segregation (LTS) with Autistic People: A Delphi Study.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Goodchild, Christie
Comparing stalking, intimate partner violence and sexual assault: the impact on attitudes towards men and intimacy in female victims.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Gozna, Lynsey
The roots and routes of revenge: trajectories of harm across forensic and clinical domains.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Gray, Emma
An investigation into the psychological wellbeing of staff working with self-harm in forensic settings.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Gray, Miriam
The effect of care worker communication style on the communicative behaviour of care home residents with dementia: a mixed methods study.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Greenidge, Dion DaCosta
An empirical analysis of the representation of lower-order facets of the big five personality dimensions.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Grundy, Andrew
Service user perspectives and experiences of risk assessment and management in an acute psychiatric setting: A critical ethnography.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Guite, John P.
The barriers and facilitators influencing the effectiveness of high secure forensic care: a critical realist qualitative study.
MPhil thesis, University of Nottingham.
Guzman Castillo, Berenice
Relationship between family characteristics and sex offences by young males.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hall, Julie
A case study: using integrated care pathways in mental health care.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hare-Duke, Laurie
Adaptation and evaluation of an intervention to reduce loneliness amongst adults with depression.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Harper, Emma L.
Paramedics' experiences of potentially traumatic events and their coping styles: an interpretative phenomenological analysis.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Harrison, Antonia C.
Personality disorder: complex cases or difficult cases?: a question of placement in forensic services.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Harrison Yuill, Faye
Ana and her web?: an investigation into Internet use in adults with an eating disorder.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Harvey, Nicole C.
Every breath you take: an exploration of perceptions of stalking and the consequences of stalking victimization.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Harwood, Daniel
Risk factors for suicide in older people and grief experiences of bereaved relatives and friends: a descriptive and case control study.
DM thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hatton, Victoria
Investigating perceptions of child sexual abuse.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hawsawi, Aisha
Factors associated with medical students' psychological
wellbeing, coping and personality, as well as wellbeing
support: A quantitative and qualitative exploration.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hepburn, Eve E.
Delusional thinking in violent offending: implications for risk assessment and treatment.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Higgs, Tamsin
Sexual murderers: psychological and criminological factors in diverse types.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hill, Adam
Service user and carer representatives’ experiences of the personal effects of involvement in clinical psychology training.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ho, Layla
Towards creating a technology-enabled intervention to treat PTSD in military veterans.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Holland, Hannah Sophia
Acceptance and commitment therapy for people experiencing multiple disadvantage and emotionally unstable personality disorder: Adapting a manual through consultation.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Holt, Lucy
How do mental health service users explain the origins and maintenance of their voice hearing: a grounded theory approach.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Horrocks, Matthew D.
The development of an electronic clinical decision support system to assist with the identification, assessment and management of suicidality in primary care.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Huddlestone, Lisa
Tobacco use and looked-after children: developing a complex intervention to address smoking in residential care.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hussain, Basharat
Bringing cultural changes to mental health services through organisational development: an instrumental case study of how a mental healthcare trust in England responds to race-related equality policy in the provision of mental health services.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Inger, James Alexander
Investigating nursing staff attitude and coping strategies on deliberate self-harm in patients diagnosed with personality disorders or intellectual disabilities and who are situated within medium-secure hospitals within the United Kingdom.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Jaber, Saad Sabet
Developing a self-help guide for traumatised university students in Iraq.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Jack, Alexander Henry
Childhood bullying and paranoid thinking.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Jallow, Isatou K.
Prevalence, risk factors and epidemiology of tobacco use among students; and the implementation of tobacco control polices in The Gambia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
James, Georgina
Changing to remote psychological therapy during Covid-19: psychological therapists’ experience of the working alliance, therapeutic boundaries, and work involvement.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Janjua, Zara
What predicts the Militant Extremist Mindset? An investigation into the relationship between violent extremism, and personality, moral disengagement, and linguistic markers.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Jansen, Krista
Should we always look on the bright side of life?: the role of protective factors in forensic risk assessment and management.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Jensen, Anita
The benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary collaborations in arts and health practice.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Johnston, Emily
E-cigarettes: an acceptable alternative to smoking for breastfeeding mothers?
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Jones, Matthew John
The development of the Economic impacts of Smoking In Pregnancy (ESIP) model for measuring the impacts of smoking and smoking cessation during pregnancy.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Joyes, Emma
An ethnography of creative practice in forensic mental health.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Judges, Rachel C.
An exploration into the value of protective factors in violence risk assessment of psychiatric inpatients.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Kang, Sujin
Identifying people with dementia for epidemiological analysis in electronic primary care records in the UK.
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Kemp, Francesca Georgina
Adapting Compassionate Mind Training into guided self-help for parents of autistic children.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Khalifa, Najat Rasool
The link between conduct disorder and adult antisocial behaviour is partially mediated by early onset alcohol abuse.
DM thesis, University of Nottingham.
Khan, Kareem
Process evaluation of Online Remote Behavioural Intervention for Tics (ORBIT).
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
King, Maisie S.
The role of rationality in moderating the relationship between extremist mindsets and schizotypy, autism and emotionality.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Kornalewska-Zaremba, Aleksandra
Mental health of offenders on probation.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Koscielska, Roksana
The Dark Tetrad and mating effort as predictors of propensity for sexual coaxing and coercion across different potential victim-perpetrator relationships.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Kumar, Jyothika
Multimodal Imaging of the Salience Network in Schizophrenia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lam, Ho Fung
A cross-cultural study of The relationship between
adverse childhood experience(s) and knife-carrying in
adolescents and young adults.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lane, Stephanie
Using narrative exposure therapy to treat women with a history of intimate partner violence for post-traumatic stress: a series of single case studies.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Langley, Tessa
The use of existing data sources to evaluate the impact of tobacco control policies on quitting behaviour.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Leask, Stuart J.
On the presentation and relevance of laterality: a study of psychosis.
DM thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lee, Abigail Rebecca
Promoting Independence in Dementia – Changing Lifestyles & Improving Outcomes: RE-AIM Study of The PRIDE Self-Management App.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Legg, Hannah
Exploring the experiences of parents whose son or daughter has received a diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome in adulthood.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lineker, Jasmine Mary
'It felt like I was giving a present to myself': an exploration of service-users' experience of developing self-compassion.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Linenberg, Omer
The relationship of stalking behaviours to autism spectrum disorders and personality.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Little, Hannah
Clinicians’ talk about 'emerging personality disorder' in adolescents: a discursive psychological exploration.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Llewellyn-Beardsley, Joy
“Not the story you want, I’m sure”: Mental health recovery and the narratives of people from marginalised communities.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lofgren, Axel
'Doing fence-sitting': a discursive analysis of clinical psychologists' constructions of mental health and its impact on service-users.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Longo, Ylenio
The Scales of General Well-Being (SGWB).
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lord, Jackson, Schroder, Thomas, Sabin-Farrell, Rachel and Naidoo, Rohan
Exposing Narrative Exposure Therapy: investigating autobiographical memory integration and the process of exposure and habituation in Narrative Exposure Therapy.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lyons, Ailsa
Tobacco and alcohol in films and on television.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Malik, Nadia
The cognitive profiling of the methylazoxymethanol acetate model of schizophrenia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Manley, David Steven
What helps and what hinders recovery: narratives of service users and practitioners about dual diagnosis (co-existing mental health and substance misuse problems).
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Marlow, Katie
Adapting the protocol for Narrative Exposure Therapy for adults with mild intellectual disabilities.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Marsden, Janet
Emotion, empathic and moral processing in personality disordered offenders.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Marshall, Ellen Louise
A mixed methods exploration of the romantic relationship experiences for the transgender population and their partners.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Martin, Kristy-Jane
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy self-help for carers of people with multiple sclerosis: a feasibility randomised controlled trial.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mason, Matthew
The effect of humour during investigative interviewing in forensic settings.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Matkin, Hannah
Holding out for hope: discourses of dementia and their implications for care on an acute organic assessment and treatment ward.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mayes, Danielle
Sex addiction: in the eye of the beholder?: a comparison of 'sex addicts' versus 'non addicts' on measures of sexual behaviour, personality, categorical thinking, sexual attitudes, and religiosity.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mbewe, F.P.
Moral disengagement and individual differences in cannabis use: investigating perspectives of effective intervention in adults.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Meere, Anne Myrthe
Everyday sadism, the Dark Triad, personality and disgust sensitivity.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mellor, Emily J.
An exploration of pornography use with offenders: attitudes and effects.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Millard, Emma Louise
A mixed methods approach investigating cognitive changes in vicarious trauma within trainees and qualified therapists.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Milner, Katja
“Did I look at the blackness, or did I look at the stars?”
The role of spirituality in mental health and recovery.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mohamad Shariff, Nurasikin
Spiritual recovery of people living with bipolar disorder in Malaysia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Morris, Donna
An investigation into the presentation of trauma in adolescents with a developmental disability and psychological treatment of trauma in adolescents.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Morris, Jessica
Development and validation of a short form of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT-SF).
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Morris, Nicolle
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adults with head and neck cancer experiencing psychological distress: a hermeneutic single case efficacy design (HSCED) series.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mottershead, Trixie
A mixed methods examination of patient feedback within forensic and non-forensic mental healthcare services.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Murray, Rachael L.
Investigating and increasing smokers’ use of effective cessation support.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Napolitano, Antonio
Neurotransmitter profiling with high and ultra-high field magnetic resonance spectroscopy : optimization for clinical and translational studies in schizophrenia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Nidsjö, Aili Sofia
Coping styles and disordered eating in survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Nilan, Kapka
Progress in implementation of the WHO FCTC Article 14 for tobacco dependence treatment internationally.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Nobili, Anna
Impact of transition to identified gender on transgender adults’ quality of life, autistic traits and experiences of interpersonal interactions.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Norwood, Carl
An explanatory sequential investigation of the working alliance as a change process in videoconferencing psychotherapy.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Nugawela Pathirannehelage, Manjula Darshani
The use of existing data sources to evaluate the impact of alcohol control policies or contextual factors affecting alcohol consumption in the UK and in Sri Lanka.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Nugent, Stella
Forensic aspects of intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Nuryunarsih, Desy
A mixed methods investigation into attitudes, behaviours, and health risk perceptions of Indonesian people regarding the use of kretek cigarettes.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
O'Brien, Rebecca
The development of a communication skills training intervention for healthcare professionals caring for people with dementia in the acute hospital setting: an applied conversation analytic study.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
O'Collins, Max
Ethnicity and restraint in inpatient psychiatric units.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
O'Key, Victoria
An analysis of staff accounts of working with women with personality disorder diagnoses.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Oliveira, D.C.
The Development and Validation of the Dementia Quality of Life Scale for Older Family Carers (DQOL-OC).
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Orton, Sophie
Smoking in the home after childbirth: prevalence, determinants and the relationship to smoking in pregnancy.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Otete, Harmony Eroboghene
Opportunities in UK primary and secondary healthcare settings to prevent alcohol misuse.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Owusu-Dabo, Ellis
Smoking in Ghana: a study of the history of tobacco industry activity, current prevalence and risk factors for smoking, and implementation of tobacco control policy.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Palaniyappan, Lena
Salience network in psychosis.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Parnell, Mike
A genealogical analysis of the deployment of personality disorder in the UK psychiatric context since 1950: corpus linguistics as an adjunct to a Foucauldian discourse analysis of diachronic corpora of psychiatric texts from 1950 to 2007.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Patel, Davina
An exploration of violence, aggression, and abuse experienced by psychiatric nursing staff from patients at work.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Patel, Gita
Violent thoughts and fantasies in a high secure mentally disordered offender group: an exploratory study.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Pepper, Cecily
Exploring the impact of social media on care-experienced young people's self-view and mental wellbeing: implications for social media design and policy.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Perkins, Martha Kate
Charming or alarming?: a study into the relationship between propensity for stalking, abusiveness and theory of mind.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Phillips, R.S.
Exploring the characteristics of violent video game players.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Phipps, Kate
An exploration of intimate partner violence, stalking and image-based sexual abuse in intimate relationships.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Prasad, Sanish
Every breath you take: comparing perceptions of cyberstalkers and physical stalkers.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Price, Robyn
Inappropriate sexual behaviour in secure psychiatric services: an evaluation of St Andrew’s Sexualised Behaviour Assessment (SASBA).
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Pryboda, Jennifer
Working with sexual offenders: strength-based approaches and desistance factors.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Raghuraman, Shruti
Treating posttraumatic stress disorder using Narrative Exposure Therapy: A study of domestic violence survivors in south India.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rai, Harleen Kaur
Adapting individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (iCST) for delivery by a touch-screen application for people with dementia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rathnaiah, Mohanbabu
Delineating classical schizophrenia: quantifying disorganization and the core deficit in classical schizophrenia and exploring their neural correlates.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rawlings, Jodie
The occurrence and experience of impulsivity and extreme positive mood in a non-clinical sample.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Richards, Samantha
Exploring sexual knowledge and risk in the assessment and treatment of adolescent males with intellectual developmental disorders who display harmful sexual behaviour.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Richardson, Clare Louise
Structured professional judgement of risk in forensic psychiatric practice.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Robinson, Amie
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for people with dementia experiencing psychological distress.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rocca, Fiammetta and UNSPECIFIED
Video Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) with children and young people who witnessed domestic violence: A naturalistic single case study series.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rodgers, Emma R.
An exploration of body confidence and recovery in relation to the client with an eating disorder: meaning and importance for therapeutic alliance.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rossdale, Sapphire-Violet
Violence risk assessment for females: the HCR-20.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sambrooks, Katie
The effect of perpetrator mental disorder diagnosis on perceptions of stalking.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sammut Henwood, Kevin
Anger dysfunction and its treatment among offenders.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sapsford, Hayley
Designing and evaluating a psychological intervention for individuals with Multiple Complex Needs.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Schell, Rhianna
Chasing the high: the influence of addiction and personality on aggressive sexual behaviours.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Shalabi, Abdulrhman
Neural mechanisms of treatment for mental disorders.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Shaw, Emily
An investigation into staff burnout in forensic hospitals.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Shephard, Elizabeth
Electrophysiological correlates of learning and cognitive control in children with tics with and without ADHD symptoms.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sidhu, M.
Exploring intimate partner violence in the relationships of adolescents and young adults.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Skinner, D.J.
A mixed methods case study examination of the role of the therapeutic alliance in EMDR within primary care.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sowemimo, S.
The forensic relevance of sexual fantasy: internal mental models, self-Representation and personality.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Staniec, Rachael
Health professionals’ implicit attitudes towards dementia.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Staton, Amelia
Functional neurological disorder: a qualitative study exploring experiences of psychological services.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Stennett, Sabrina
Minority stress in people who identify as transgender: testing the minority stress model.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Stewart, Sally C.
An exploration of therapist intersession experience.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Stokes, Anna Maria
Exploring differences in substance use and attachment patterns amongst offending populations.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Storrar, Louise
An exploration of the association between stalking and intimate partner violence.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Strange, Hannah
Ask the experts: how should we measure vicarious trauma.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Subhani, Mohsan
Alcohol use disorder epidemiology and interventions to support behaviour change.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sultan, Arwa
Attitudes towards mental health and seeking mental health services: A perspective of Arabs living in the UK.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sweeney, T.B.
A convergent parallel mixed methods investigation into the role of mindfulness in moderate to severe, persistent depression.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Szatkowski, Lisa Catherine
Can primary care data be used to evaluate the effectiveness of tobacco control policies?: data quality, method development and assessment of the impact of smokefree legislation using data from the Health Improvement Network.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Tadjibaev, Arman
Understanding the relationship between chronic pain and emotional disorders.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Tamimi, Abdelrhman Mohammad
Understanding spirituality from the perspectives of Jordanian people diagnosed with end stage renal failure: a phenomenological study.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Tan, Ee Ee
An exploration of the relationship between exposure to violent video games and moral reasoning about violence.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Taylor, John Adam
Beliefs about NHS stop smoking services and nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy: exploring the potential role of the theory of planned behaviour in promoting uptake of smoking cessation services.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Taylor, Leanne
HEXACO and Dark Triad predictors of psychological abuse in romantic relationships: forgiveness as a mediator.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Teng, Grace Xue En
The cycle of violence: links between previous victimisation patterns and internalized violence (self-harm) in young offenders.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Thorne, Natalie R.
An exploration of gender diverse identities and associated mental health symptomatology.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Tomlin, Jack
Measuring experiences of restrictiveness in forensic psychiatric care: developing a questionnaire.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Tripathi, Snehil
Barriers to cannabis treatment and the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions for Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD).
MPhil thesis, University of Nottingham.
Trundle, Grace
The forensic implications of camouflaging: victimisation and offending in Autism and Pathological Demand Avoidance.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Turhan, Huseyin Mert
Early maladaptive schemas in child sexual exploitation material users: implications for their intrapersonal and interpersonal problems.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Turner-Distin, Ayesha
An investigation into sexting of adolescents and adults.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Tyler, Suzannah Marie
An examination of the rehabilitation process of adult male offenders with a mental disorder.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Uczniak, Alicyja
Do members of staff in a medium secure unit recognise the signs of dementia and know how to manage it accordingly?
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Vasileva, Polina
Effectiveness of interviews based on narrative exposure therapy (NET) in community settings: a case study.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Vaz, Luis Reeves
The use of medicinal nicotine in pregnancy for smoking cessation.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Vella, Kristina
The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) as a measure of harm avoidance and incompleteness in
obsessive-compulsive disorder.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Vines, Rebecca
Perceptions and treatment of sexual abuse victims and perpetrators.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wade, Louise
Understanding staff-level factors and patient aggression in psychiatric hospitals.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Waitt, Alice Emily
Autonomic and central nervous system correlates of cognitive control training for attentional disorders.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Walton, Jamie, S.
An investigation into current issues in the treatment of men who sexually abuse children.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ward, Lauren
Patient displays of stalking in mental health settings: staff member experiences, responses and burnout.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Watson, Emma
‘The system is mad making’: peer support and the institutional context of an NHS mental health service.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Weatherill, Charlotte Lauren
Are sensational interests examples of everyday sadism, or a general indicator of antagonism?
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wells, Jennifer
Consensus based good practice guidelines for clinical psychologists working in and with homelessness: a Delphi study.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Weng, Stephen Franklin
The health and economic costs of smoking in the workforce: premature mortality, sickness absence and workplace interventions for smoking cessation.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
West, Laura
Personality disorder & serious further offending.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Whale, Katherine
Attachment style, psychotic phenomena and the relationship with aggression: an investigation in a non-clinical sample.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Whitmore, Laura-Ashley
The opinions of mental health professionals regarding criminal responsibility and treatment of psychopathic offenders.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Whittamore, Katherine H.
The diagnosis, prevalence and prognosis of delirium in an older hospital population.
MPhil thesis, University of Nottingham.
Williams, Francesca
Exploring the process of adjustment to a diagnosis of dementia at working-age: a qualitative study.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Williams, Louise
Working within professional boundaries in forensic mental health settings: an adult attachment perspective.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Willmot, Phil
The process of change in the treatment of personality disorder in a forensic inpatient setting.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wright, Jessica
Examining ACT process measures with cognitive interviewing.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wright, Laura
Understanding countertransference reactions to forensic clients with a personality disorder diagnosis: an empirical study using the Countertransference Questionnaire.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wylie, Nicola
An exploration of females who use socially intrusive behaviours: from psychological characteristics to treatment.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wynn, Chelsea
Moral panics or monstrous offenders?: balancing public perceptions of sexual offenders with their offence patterns.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wyse, Kate
Treatment engagement of people in forensic personality disorder services.
DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Young, Olivia
The acceptability and feasibility of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy training to support work-related wellbeing for managers of homelessness services.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Young, Zoe
Psychological impact of an adult ADHD diagnosis.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Zamir, Aliya
“Isn’t it mad that we’re all psychologists and we can't talk about our feelings?”: A mixed-methods study exploring trainee clinical psychologists’ experience of (non)disclosure of psychological distress during training.
DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Zang, Yinyin
Developing effective narrative interventions for earthquake survivors.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Zungu, T.P.
Effects of an emotional intelligence & mindsets intervention on preservice teachers’ organisational citizenship behaviour and work engagement.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 14:24:45 2025 UTC.