Supporting Social and Emotional Development of Preschool Children: A Small Scale Study in Malaysia

Sau Mun, Woo (2009) Supporting Social and Emotional Development of Preschool Children: A Small Scale Study in Malaysia. [Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)] (Unpublished)

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The contribution of preschool education to children’s well being is widely recognised. Postmodern world of rapid change brings with it increasing incidences of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and poses a great challenge to school. Literature review takes a leaning towards the postmodern perspective that views children social and emotional development as socially constructed that places dialogues at the heart of children’s social and emotional development, the focus is on giving the child a voice. Implications for children with communication difficulties are also explored.

The extent to which the Malaysian preschools support children in their social and emotional development was explored where the teachers’ perspectives were sought. Findings reveal that emphasis on academic achievement and the disciplinary practice are at odds in supporting children’s social and emotional development. Teachers lack both knowledge and competence in supporting children in this aspect. Suggestions for improvement and teachers’ continuing professional development are discussed, and future research recommended.

Findings also suggest that the postmodern perspective that emphasises the development of the self as socially constructed in children’s social and emotional development is not constrained by culture and caters to the needs of both individualist or collectivist both in and within all cultures.

Item Type: Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)
Depositing User: EP, Services
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2010 16:32
Last Modified: 21 Jan 2018 00:32

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