About the Nottingham eDissertations Archive

The Nottingham eDissertations Archive is a digital library of selected dissertations accepted by the University of Nottingham.

Begun in September 2005, the archive will replace collections of bound dissertations historically retained in some subject areas for reference in the Library. At present, only dissertations from specific schools and for certain degrees are accepted into the archive. To check for particular schools or degrees, browse these options. Unless there are special circumstances no dissertations prior to September 2005 will be added to the archive.

This service is supported by a growing number of Schools and Departments around the University of Nottingham. Queries about specific dissertations should be directed in the first instance to the relevant School or Department.

How to deposit an eDissertation

When you submit a bound copy of your dissertation for assessment, you may also be asked to submit an electronic copy for the eDissertation archive. To deposit an electronic copy of your completed dissertation, please follow the instructions in the Deposit Guide.

Further information

This archive runs on a customised version of the Gnu EPrints software, a freely distributable archive system which complies with theOpen Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI2) for open archive interoperability.

Contact us

For further advice or information please contact: