Number of items at this level: 128.
Bullen, Kathryn Faye
A Survey of the place-names of the Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Chambers, Emily Jayne
Personal connections and space: a comparative study of the agency of aristocratic women in mid-Tudor England.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cox, Eleanor
Apocalyptic thought in late medieval England, c. 1350 to c. 1425.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lloyd Williams, Frederick A. S.
The cult of Henry VI: sainthood, kingship and memory.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Noble, William
Popular Declinism and Racial Politics in the Age of Consensus: The Midlands, c. 1958-81.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Peake, Joseph
The politics of waste in later medieval England, c.1270-1490.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Radley, Stephen G
Designed landscapes of the central Northamptonshire gentry: c. 1770 - c. 1840.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rayner, Corinna
Methodology for Examining Plant-Names in English Place-Names.
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sisson, Lauren Michele
Representations of mother-son relationships in late-medieval English miscellanies, c. 1300 – c. 1500.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wheddon, Rebecca
Propaganda and persuasion: political discourse and the negotiation of power and authority in Yorkist and early Tudor England.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Carter, Matthew
Beasts of place and time: animals and Britishness in popular natural history, c. 1760-1860.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Moore, Fiona E.
The population dynamics of Middle Saxon East Anglia: a multi-isotope and geochemical study.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Natalie, Grace
Witchcraft in Print in Early Modern Germany and England.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Noble, Michael J
An Accidental Purpose: The Impact of the First World War on University College Nottingham.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Parnell, Tamsin
Constructing British and European identities in Brexit Britain: a critical linguistic analysis of press, political, and personal discourses.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Pidzamecky, William
Longphuirt, Wintersetlu, and Gorodišče: A Study of Viking Age Scandinavian Sites in Ireland, England, Russia, and Ukraine from the Eighth to the Tenth Centuries.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Taylor, Michael
The British Court and the 1707 Union of England and Scotland.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Caswell, Tia E. C.
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert: Constructing a Sustainable Monarchy and Negotiating Gender and Foreignness Under Conditions of precarity.
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Francis, Robert
Anthracological and Carpological Perspectives on Settlement, Cultivation and Woodland Management in England, c. AD 450-1100.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Griffiths, Andrew
'The infyrmitie of fayth': Anti-Nicodemism and religious insecurity in Marian and early Elizabethan England.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Himsworth, Joseph
The Mad Monk: Sir Keith Joseph, Thatcherism, and the Morphology of Conservatism.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Magill, Peter
The Peculiar Relationship: Contemporary Anglo-French Defence Cooperation.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Murray, Heather
Missing Pieces: A Consideration of the Evidence for Women in the Viking Incursions into Eastern England and Subsequent Settlement, with a Case Study of Leicestershire's Wreake Valley.
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ward, Lauren
The Animal Remains from the Forum and Basilica at Venta Icenorum (Caistor): What do they tell us about the use of space at the site over time?
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Williamson, Bethany
Placing the Strutt family of Belper, Derbyshire: an historical geography of a late-nineteenth century industrial family.
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wright, James Peter
Tattershall Castle: building a history.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Varley, Rose
Archaeological manifestations of the bishops in Greater Mercia, AD 700-950.
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wallbank, Beatrice
Maritime communities in early medieval Wales c. AD 600-1100.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Webb, Sian
A Land of Five Languages: Material Culture, Communities and Identity in Northumbria, 600-867 CE.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Black, Thomas S. G.
Nation, culture, and identity: writing Gaelic Britain from 1639–1715.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Civil, David
Meritocracy: a post-war conceptual history.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Marković, Ivan
Hazy histories: Smoking atmospheres in twentieth-century Britain.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Roberts, Martin Owen
Effectiveness and authority: the Bishop of Lincoln's Court of Audience in the early sixteenth century.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Roche, Jonathan
God’s spies: the Spanish Elizabethans and intelligence during the Anglo-Spanish War.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rose, Tom
Hunting in early Stuart England: status, sociability, and politics.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Sharman, Nick
Britain and Spain: free trade, protectionism and Britain's informal empire, 1830 to 1950.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Stephenson, Freddie
“Mind over mud”: governing health and space in colonial Hong Kong and Shanghai.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Thompson-Rohde, Anja Christina Friedel
The English coinages of William I (1066-1087) and William II (1087-1100) and their implications for our understanding and the public representation of the early Norman period.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bestwick, Susan
Welbeck Park: the impact of landscape management on parkland animals 1769 TO 1879.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Burns, Emily
Painting, patronage and collecting in England during the Civil Wars and Interregnum, c.1640-1660.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Concannon, Amy
Urban Landscape in the Age of Reform: Salisbury, Bristol, Brighton, Lambeth, c.1820–1850.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Crane, Michael A
Urban associations: class, culture and the enlightened spirit, Derby c.1700-c.1900.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Griffiths, Katie
British propaganda and the threat from Chinese communism, 1948-54.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ingram, Hannah Ruth
Archetypes and individuals: reconstructing the users of the Westminster statute staple court, 1485-1532.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lisewski-Hobson, Vivyan
Public resource or private sanctuary?: access patterns and narratives from the woodland of North East Derbyshire.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Marsh, Bethany
‘Distressed Protestants or Irish vagrants?’ Charity and the organisation of relief to ‘Irish’ refugees in England, 1641-1651.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Nicholson, Hannah
Print and politics in the East Midlands constituencies c.1790-1832.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Vosper, Emma
A reassessment of the Biblical glosses of Theodore and Hadrian’s Canterbury School.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
de Heus, Annabelle L.
A social identity analysis of dissident Irish republicanism in Northern Ireland.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dicken, Craig Arthur
Settlement, landscape and identity in medieval royal forests: the Impact of forest law on Sherwood and the Peak, c. AD 650 to 1348.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Harlow, Natasha Pia
Belonging and belongings: portable artefacts and identity in the civitas of the Iceni.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hefferan, Matthew
Edward III’s household knights in war and peace, 1327-1377.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Künzel, Stefanie
Concepts of infectious, contagious, and epidemic disease in Anglo-Saxon England.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lord, Joanne Marie
Leasehold and tenancy in late medieval Eakring: exploring the economic links and religious provision between Rufford Abbey and Eakring, c. 1300-1500.
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Muge, Rosemary
Poverty, protest and sport: poaching in the East Midlands c.1820-1900.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Robinson, Anthony
The historical ecology of vegetation change in Dovedale (Derbyshire and Staffordshire).
MRes thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wright, Paul
Anglo-Saxon lead from the Peak District: where does it lead?: a new approach to sourcing Anglo-Saxon lead.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Zhukova, Tatyana, Alexandra
The gift-giving culture of Anglo-Muscovite diplomacy, 1566-1623.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Blakeney, Rebecca A.
On food and fodder: archaeobotanical investigations of Bamburgh Castle's west ward, 9th through 12th centuries.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Francis, Robert
Early Roman London revisited: an archaeobotanical investigation of its economy and land management practices with reference to the Bloomberg site.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Genova, Elena Stoyanova
Migration and the 'children of the transition': unravelling the experiences of young, highly skilled Bulgarians in the UK.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Gregory, Rebecca Katharine
Minor and field-names of Thurgarton Wapentake, Nottinghamshire.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hall, Neil Stewart
An investigation into phosphoric iron production in Eastern England.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Insley, Alice Amelia
Painter and place: Joseph Wright and Derby 1797-1886.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Moore, Fiona E.
Diet and subsistence in the Anglo-Saxon Trent Valley: a stable isotope investigation of Broughton Lodge Anglo-Saxon cemetery, Nottinghamshire.
MSc(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Walker, Stephen J.
The early Industrial Revolution in the Leen valley, Nottinghamshire.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ali, Luman
British diplomacy and the Iranian revolution, 1978-1981.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Jefferson, Joseph Michael
The Templar lands in Lincolnshire in the early fourteenth century.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Kidd, Matthew
Popular political continuity in urban England, 1867-1918: the case studies of Bristol and Northampton.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lautman, Emma
The educational experiences of children in England during the Second World War.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lynch, Lucy
A comparative study of the impact of civil war on local political society in medieval and early modern Hampshire.
MPhil thesis, University of Nottingham.
Moorhouse, Heather Louise
Regional synthesis of algal community change in the lakes and tarns of the Windermere catchment, Lake District, UK, since the 19th century.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Musson, Janice
Commoners and the assize of novel disseisin, 1194-1221.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Qureshi, Abeeda
From multiculturalism to integration: the role of Muslim women in the implementation of ethno-religious minority policies in the UK (2001-2014).
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Trichler, P.K.
Native interaction across the frontier zone Of Hadrian's Wall.
MA(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lamont, Stephen Peter
Robert Wilmot Horton and liberal Toryism.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mustafa, Anisa
Active citizenship, dissent and power: the cultural politics of young adult British Muslims.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Reynolds, Rebecca Virginia
Food for the soul: the dynamics of fishing and fish consumption in Anglo-Saxon England: c. A.D. 410-1066.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Halvorsrud, Kristoffer
Negotiating the racial and ethnic boundaries of citizenship: white South African migrants in the UK and their sense of belonging.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Quanrud, John
The sources of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle to the annals of the 890s.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ward, Matthew
The livery collar: politics and identity in fifteenth-century England.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
De Aranjo, Alexandre G. A.
Assets and liabilities : refugees from Hungary and Egypt in France and in Britain, 1956-1960.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hodgkinson, Brian Wilfrid
Withering on the vine: the connectivity between the people of Lincolnshire and their monastic houses, 1500 to 1540.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lymath, Dean
'Render them absolutely subservient': the political economy of Malachy Postlethwayt’s metropolism.
MA(Res) thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mirrington, Alexander
Transformations of identity and society in Essex, c.AD 400-1066.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Phillips, Matthew
Church, crown and complaint: petitions from bishops to the English crown in the fourteenth century.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Salimi, Gita
Intergenerational differences in the experiences of middle-class Iranian migrant women post-revolution (1979) who are living in the UK.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Walker, Sharon Irene
Tyranny, complaint and redress: the evidence of the petitions presented to the crown c.1320 to 1335.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wykes, Emily Jay
The racialisation of names: names and the persistence of racism in the UK.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Amos, David
The Nottinghamshire miners, the Union of Democratic Mineworkers and the 1984-85 miners strike: scabs or scapegoats?
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Lenfert, R.
Long-term continuity and change within Hebridean and mainland Scottish island dwellings.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Smith, Thomas M.
Enclosure & agricultural improvement in north-west Lincolnshire from circa 1600 to 1850.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Tompsett, Imogen
Social dynamics in South-West England AD 350-1150: an exploration of maritime oriented identity in the Atlantic approaches and Western channel region.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Allen, Martyn George
Animalscapes and empire: new perspectives on the Iron Age/Romano British transition.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Davies, G.J.
Settlement, economy and lifestyle: the changing social identities of the coastal settlements of West Norfolk, 450-1100 AD.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Straw, Sean William
Anglo Libyan relations and the British military facilities
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Haessly, Katie
British Conservative women MPs and 'women's issues' 1950-1979.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Mills, Judith Anne
Continuity and change: the town, people and administration of Nottingham between c.1400 and c.1600.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bundesen, Kristin
'No other faction but my own': dynastic politics and Elizabeth I's Carey cousins.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Forward, Eleanor J.
Place-names of the Whittlewood area.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Paterson, Neil Alasdair
Politics in Leicestershire, c1677 to c1716.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Foley, Matthew
Post-colonial transition, aid and the cold war in South-East Asia : Britain, the United States and Burma, 1948-1962.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
McDonagh, Briony A.K.
Manor houses, churches and settlements: historical geographies of the Yorkshire Wolds before 1600.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Russell, Peter David
Politics and society in Nottinghamshire, 1327-1360.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Kempson, Matthew
The state and the country house in Nottinghamshire, 1937-1967.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Kern, Steven
Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria in the British Army, 1939-45.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Stubbings, Sarah
From modernity to memorial: the changing meanings of the 1930s cinema in Nottingham.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Dunster, Sandra
Women of the Nottinghamshire elite, c. 1720-1820.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Horovitz, David
A survey and analysis of the place-names of Staffordshire.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Fleet, Peter F.
The Isle of Axholme, 1540-1640: economy and society.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Percox, David A.
Circumstances short of global war: British defence, colonial internal security, and decolonisation in Kenya, 1945-65.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Amos, Denise M.
Working-class diet and health in Nottingham, 1850-1939.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Daddow, Oliver J.
Rhetorics and reality: the historiography of British European policy, 1945-73.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bosworth, Ennis C.
Public healthcare in Nottingham 1750 to 1911.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Green, David S.
The household and military retinue of Edward the Black Prince.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Taylor, Howard
The politics of crime in interwar England and Wales: with particular reference to some discontinuities with nineteenth century criminal justice policy.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Barnett, David Colin
The structure of industry in London: 1775-1825.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Speight, Sarah
Family, faith and fortification: Yorkshire 1066-1250.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Ward, Anthony H.
An archaeological field survey of part of the Black Mountain in south-east Dyfed: a contribution to the interpretation of economy and settlement in the region from prehistory to the early modern period.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hughes, J.B.
The episcopate of Walter Langton, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1296-1321: with a calendar of his register.
MPhil thesis, University of Nottingham.
Pendleton, Colin F.
Aspects of bronze age metalwork in northern East Anglia.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Baker, Nigel
Towns, tenements and buildings: aspects of medieval urban archaeology and geography.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Chowne, Peter
Aspects of later prehistoric settlement in Lincolnshire: a study of the Western Fen margin and Bain Valley.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Drury, Beatrice Denis
Ethnicity amongst second generation Sikh girls: a case study in Nottingham.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Aley, Sheila
The Nottinghamshire landowners and their estates c.1660 - c.1840.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hayfield, Colin
Medieval pottery from north Lincolnshire.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Giles, Donald
An analysis of the parliamentary opposition to the national government's handling of the international situation, November 1935 - May 1940.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cox, Barrie
The place names of Leicestershire and Rutland.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 16:42:17 2025 UTC.