Commutativity of the strain energy density expression for the benefit of the FEM implementation of Koiter's initial postbuckling theoryTools Li, Shuguang, Yan, Jiayi, Zhang, Guofan and Duan, Shihui (2018) Commutativity of the strain energy density expression for the benefit of the FEM implementation of Koiter's initial postbuckling theory. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering . ISSN 1097-0207
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AbstractThe concept of full commutativity of displacements in the expression for strain energy density for the geometrically nonlinear problem has been introduced for the first time and fully established in this paper. Its consequences for the FEM formulation have been demonstrated. As a result, the strain energy, equilibrium equation, and incremental equilibrium equation for the geometrically nonlinear problem can all be presented in a unified manner involving various stiffness matrices that are all symmetric, unique, and explicitly expressed. As an important application, the framework has been employed in the FEM implementation of Koiter's initial postbuckling theory, which has been handicapped by its mesh sensitivity in evaluating one of the initial postbuckling coefficients. This has largely prevented it from being incorporated in mainstream commercial FEM codes. Based on the outcomes of this paper, the mesh sensitivity problem has been completely resolved without the need to use any specially formulated element. As a result, Koiter's theory can be practically and straightforwardly implemented in any FEM code. The results have been verified against those found in the literature.
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