Digital transformation in Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) sector during Covid-19 and lesson learned

Kwan, Peggy Dict Shan (2022) Digital transformation in Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) sector during Covid-19 and lesson learned. [Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)]

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According to (Rogers, 2016) digital transformation is not just about technology, but about strategy and new ways of thinking. The rules of business have changed in every industry with the widespread adoption of digital technologies. The digital revolution has already created threats to companies that fail to adapt and transform in the digital era (Vaska, et al., 2021). The tremendous growth of the Internet has presented stark challenges for business. The fundamental rules and assumptions that governed and defined the growth of the businesses in the pre-digital era are no longer valid. Without adopting the changes needed for the digital age; it will not be possible for a company to continue to thrive in the future.

The advent of Covid-19 has accelerated the pace of the digital transformation because the sudden mandatory shutdowns and restricted activities forced all businesses to embrace the technologies (BDO United States, 2020). The challenges and threats created by Covid-19 for businesses that had not already developed their digital strategies had to be addressed urgently to continue in business. As per Winston Churchill, we would never waste a good crisis. The pandemic provided an opportunity for companies to rethink their business strategy and potential and consider how to best to position themselves for a better future (McLaughlin, 2021 ).

Companies that embraced digital solutions will be able to develop greater resilience in the face of adversity. Digitalisation enables them to recover faster and pivot from playing defence to chasing growth. Digital provides efficiency and productivity advantages by connecting to customers anytime and anywhere with smarter experiences (IBM, 2020).

Companies need to reinvent their business by unlocking talents and enhancing processes using emerging technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) deployment can ensure workflows are more effectively optimised and customer relationships are more efficiently managed. Digital transformation is about talented people. The most effective combination is pairing a high technology with the right human skill (Frankiewicz & Chamorro-Premuzic, 2020). The people who will continue to succeed in the new digital era will be those with hungry minds who have kept their curiosity intact.

Forrester Hopkins and Gillett research indicate "connectivity will enable competitive differentiation and transform business models based on service, not just product". The customized loyalty program will develop customer-based preferences through several visited websites, data and social networks to form a new norm in marketing. Customer behaviour and customer expectations are shaped by trends in the economy, society, and advances in technology (Dubey, 2016). Therefore, in the next ten years, 85% of jobs are expected to be impacted by digital transformation

In this study, I would like to explore the subject of digitisation, digitalisation, and digital transformation amidst the challenges of the pandemic and what testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) companies should do to manage, adapt and thrive in the digital world.

Item Type: Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)
Keywords: digital revolution, digital era, digital transformation, digital efficiency, Covid-19
Depositing User: Kwan, Peggy
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2022 02:55
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2022 02:55

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