Neungjamnong, Natthaphat
Neungjamnong Fertilizer.
[Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)]
Neungjamnomg Company is a poultry farming company that produces a large amount of chicks and chickens. Chicken manure is one of our by-products which is disregarded and sell cheaply (five baht per six kilograms) to middlemen who sell it to fertilizer factories. The factory sells their fertilizers three to seven baht per kilogram. To increase our profitability and generate the effective fertilizer to farmers for developing Thailand’s agriculture, we have planned to establish Neugjamnong Fertilizer under Neungjamnong Company to produce and sell fertilizers that are derived from our by-products. The amount of additional funding, that we need to invest in our capital assets, run business and generate net profits of 4.1 million baht in the second year, is three million baht. This business plan is created to plan our business strategic, operating, marketing and a financial scheme based on the realistic market.
The Company
Neungjamnong Fertilizer is a pelleted bio-organic fertilizer producer for the crop grown in Thailand. The company is located in Chonburi, Eastern Thailand which is one of most significant industrial and agricultural province in Thailand. It has rubber, sugarcane, pineapple, cassava plantation and rice farming. The project leader is Natthaphat Neungjamnong who is good at business management and micro-organism understanding that is an advantage for business. The propose of our company is to encourage the growth of agricultural fundamentals of Thailand, organic farming and consumer health as well as help farmers to make more profitability.
The Product
Our non-chemical fertilizer is developed specifically from natural ingredients and organic compost with effective micro-organism for maximising the productivity of plantation, increase crop yield and boost the growth of the plant. The main ingredient of our fertilizer is poultry faeces that is from our standard chicken farms. Our product is processed from the mix between chicken manure, effective micro-organisms (EM) and dolomite lime. Although our bio-organic fertilizer's price is slightly higher when compared with normal organic fertilizer, bio-organic fertilizer is more effective than organic fertilizer due to micro-organism. Our product is created in pellets that are no unpleasant odour, easily to store and use with the fertilizer spreader. This fertilizer’s formula is appropriated for crops such as rubber, cassava and sugarcane. We have planned to create three more products which are specific to another type of plants and lunch each product every six months.
Corporate Strategy
To attract target customers who own over 50 rai (19 acres) of the plantation in Thailand, we plan to introduce our reasonable price fertilizers to farmers, provide free trials to customers who are interested in our products for 0.4 acres during a cycle of harvest and also give one-kg free fertilizers to attendants at agricultural events. Moreover, we have planned to promote our fertilizers through a website, Social Media, magazines and agricultural events to increase brand recognition and brand awareness. Our strategy will help to reduce the risk of the company and make the company be successful that is confirmed by our sales projection.
Financial Projections
Net profit forecast is expected at 4.1 million baht in the second year of operation and will reach at 11.7 million baht by the end of the fifth operating year. Operating cash flow projection will accelerate after first nine months of operation and will reach at 26.72 million baht by the fifth operating year. The company requires totally 14 million baht to invest in the fertilizer factory. The investment requirement from Neungjamnong Company is three million baht. Expected Return On Investment (ROI) in the fifth year of operation is 525% if invest three million baht.
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