Consumer Preferences on eating-out at Fast Food Restaurants: A quantitative study of Pizza Hut Outlets in India

Sreevalsan, Sreelakshmi (2013) Consumer Preferences on eating-out at Fast Food Restaurants: A quantitative study of Pizza Hut Outlets in India. [Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)] (Unpublished)

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The concept of meal as eating a variety of kinds of food at regular intervals have now been replaced by breaks of fast individual eating, and mostly the young crowd nowadays do not have a proper eating pattern and prefer quick and tasty food. The fast food Industry identifies the preferences of adolescents and children, and targets a major part on their marketing schemes on them, since they have an important portion of their customer base. Young adults, another major important segment of their consumer base are equally targeted.

The Fast food industry incorporates attributes into their outlets on the basis of their understanding and interpretation of the preferences of consumers in the environment they are operating in. These preferences vary across nations and hence the attributes that needs to be incorporated into the fast food outlets vary accordingly in each country of operation. Dominant consumer preferences in a country are given more importance. Certain fast food attributes facilitate consumer’s decision to dine at these outlets more effectively in a particular country compared to another.

A well structured survey is conducted to solicit response from fast food consumers of one fast food chain in India, for analysis. These values are then analyzed using the corresponding analytical methods to understand the relationship between fast food outlets attributes and the frequency of visits to these fast food outlets by consumers, and thereby, to find the most influential fast food attributes resulting in the frequent visits to these outlets.

Item Type: Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)
Depositing User: EP, Services
Date Deposited: 31 Jul 2014 10:46
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2017 13:26

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