Internationalisation of Higher Education: A Study of Knowledge Transfer through Co-Authorship amongst Academics

Tan, Hui Mean (2008) Internationalisation of Higher Education: A Study of Knowledge Transfer through Co-Authorship amongst Academics. [Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)] (Unpublished)

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Internationalisation of Higher Education has been a phenomenon more widely seen in recent years than before. Many higher education institutions have embarked on some kind of internationalisation strategies, be it by way of setting up their wholly owned branches in foreign countries, entering into twinning programmes with the local educational institutions, or as part of the institutions� Mission & Vision statements and plans are still underway. However, research on this aspect of internationalisation has been generally lacking. This paper looks into internationalisation strategies of higher education institution with specific focus on the existence and types of knowledge transfers. This paper concludes that while different higher education institutions embark on internationalisation for a few different reasons, such as better profitability, more research funding and better publicity; the results suggest that knowledge transfer via co-authorship is a common phenomenon irrespective of the strategies, and it potentially brings about qualitative benefits that are not measurable in monetary terms. This paper also pointed out various limitations which made the results less conclusive than originally planned and suggests areas for further study.

Item Type: Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)
Keywords: Internationalisation, Higher Education, Knowledge Transfer, Co-Authorship, Academics
Depositing User: EP, Services
Date Deposited: 30 Jun 2008
Last Modified: 16 Feb 2018 05:19

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