Impact of Recent Legislation and Regulation Improvements on Business Opportunities on the Russian Insurance Market

Vayshnurs, Anton (2006) Impact of Recent Legislation and Regulation Improvements on Business Opportunities on the Russian Insurance Market. [Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)] (Unpublished)

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Emerging new regulatory practices and legislative changes are among

major drivers of business development and competitive advantage in

heavy regulated financial services industry.

Analysing recent legislative and regulatory improvements in Russian

insurance industry we try to estimate potential opportunities created

by these recent changes and to forecast further trends of

development of Russian regulatory and legal environment.

Briefly these trends could be summarised as follows:

�¢���¢ Strengthening of the capital requirements;

�¢���¢ Improving liquidity and profitability of insurance reserves;

�¢���¢ Attention to corporate governance in insurance industry;

�¢���¢ Gradual opening of the market to foreign investors and


�¢���¢ Introduction of multiple new kinds of mandatory liability

insurance and combating tax evasion insurance operations.

Subject to successful implementation this measures are supposed to

civilize Russian insurance market making it attractive for foreign

insurance and reinsurance brokers and underwriters. Monitoring

Russian insurance regulation can enable foreign insurance companies

to utilise �¢����first move�¢���� opportunities as soon as they will arise in this

rapidly developing market. Some of them are described below.

Item Type: Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)
Depositing User: EP, Services
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2006
Last Modified: 21 Mar 2022 16:03

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