Gecer, Abdullah (2006) SECURITISATION AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN TURKEY. [Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)] (Unpublished)

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Annual issuance of asset backed securities reached to $3.650 billion globally at the end of

2005 and the securitisation activities have taken several forms ranging from traditional

securitisation transactions to different types of synthetic structures. Continuous studies for the

establishment of international standards and harmonisation of national regulations for

accounting and regulatory capital treatment of securitisation transactions, as constituent parts

of International Accounting Standards and Basel II, resulted in a very complex and widely

accepted framework for securitisation activities.

Turkey has also been introduced to securitisation activities with future flow securitisation

transactions backed by diversified payment rights, amounting to 4.3 billion as of June 2006.

Preparation of a draft law on housing finance recently, which is establishing the legal and

regulatory infrastructure for housing finance and a general securitisation framework has

increased the appetite of Turkish banks for traditional ABS transactions.

As a result of my analysis and overview of major concepts and developments both in a

domestic and international context, some necessary actions have been addressed for a well

functioning securitisation market and mitigation of major risks in Turkish banking sector.

These actions can be summarised as; the maintenance of tax neutrality and bankruptcy

remoteness of the domestic SPV like structures, provision of hedging opportunities through

derivative transactions, limiting the level of government intervention, avoiding crowding-out

effect of public borrowing requirements, establishment of domestic credit rating agencies and

a national rating scale and structuring of some transactions in domestic currency.

It is strongly believed that a successful implementation of securitisation together with a well

functioning housing finance system will have important contributions to economic

development and stability of Turkey.

Item Type: Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)
Keywords: securitisation
Depositing User: EP, Services
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2007
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2018 12:42

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