Exploring Training to Use Technology Enhanced Learning in a Uruguayan School of Primary Teachers

Gottlieb, Camila (2017) Exploring Training to Use Technology Enhanced Learning in a Uruguayan School of Primary Teachers. [Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)]

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This study attempted to investigate how are Uruguayans future Primary

teachers learning how to teach with technology in a country that is

commemorating 10 years’ anniversary of their OLPC Program called ‘Plan

Ceibal’. A case study was chosen to answer the research questions,

documents analysis and interviews were the methods selected. Seventeen

people were interviewed, teachers and advanced students of an Uruguayan

School of Teachers.

Data analysis revealed that current approaches to learning about how to

teach with technology are quite basic and technology is treated as an

isolated subject, furthermore, Plan Ceibal opportunities are not being fully

exploited. Most of the teachers use technology to support their lectures and

according to participants, it is barely used in their School of Practices,

therefore, students do not have many examples where technology is

integrated. Students mentioned they feel their learning is not enough and

is outdated.

Findings of the study show there is a need to improve not only the teachers’

attitudes towards technology but also their training. Moreover, teachers who

integrate technology into their classes and encourage their students to

include technology into their practices should be rewarded. Instances to

reflect on the role of technology and how current teaching methods could

be innovated should also be considered.

Item Type: Dissertation (University of Nottingham only)
Depositing User: Gigg, Diane
Date Deposited: 06 Mar 2018 16:01
Last Modified: 13 Mar 2018 10:05
URI: https://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/id/eprint/50229

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