Browse by Authors and EditorsNumber of items: 7. 2020Lane, Tom (2020) The effects of Jesus and God on pro-sociality and discrimination. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics . p. 101625. ISSN 22148043 Lane, Tom (2020) Along which identity lines does 21st century Britain divide? Evidence from Big Brother. Rationality and Society . ISSN 1043-4631 2019Lane, Tom and Nosenzo, Daniele (2019) Law and norms: empirical evidence. Working Paper. University of Nottingham Ningbo China. (Unpublished) Lane, Tom (2019) The differential effects of Jesus and God on distributive behaviour. Working Paper. University of Nottingham. (Unpublished) Lane, Tom (2019) Get her off my screen: taste-based discrimination in a high-stakes popularity contest. Oxford Economic Papers . ISSN 0030-7653 2017Lane, Tom (2017) Experiments on discrimination and social norms. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Lane, Tom (2017) How does happiness relate to economic behaviour?: a review of the literature. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 68 . pp. 62-78. ISSN 2214-8043 |