About Nottingham ePrintsNottingham ePrints is one of a global network of open access repositories, holding peer-reviewed papers, book chapters and other research outputs and making them freely available on the web. Note: Nottingham ePrints is an online repository, not a publisher.
What are eprints?
"Removing access barriers to this literature
will accelerate research, enrich education, share the learning of
the rich with the poor and the poor with the rich, make this literature
as useful as it can be..."
Budapest Open Access Initiative. Eprints are electronic copies of academic papers. Eprint archives allow authors to make their pre-refereed 'preprints' and their post-refereed, published 'reprints' freely available to the world scholarly and scientific community on a scale that is impossible in paper. At Nottingham we are focusing on making postprints freely available to a wider audience. There is no need to stop publishing in traditional journals - depositing an eprint is complementary to traditional publishing. What are the advantages to you?
"Even small barriers to
access reduce usage significantly"
Odlyzko, Learned Publishing (2002) 15:7-9. Wider access
"online articles are more highly cited
because of easier availability"
Lawrence, Nature (2001) 411:521. Improved impact
"the papers in all registered Eprints
Archives can be harvested and searched ... providing seamless access
to all the eprints, across all the Eprint Archives, as if they were
all in one global, virtual archive"
Harnad, For Whom the Gate Tolls? Cross searching You can cross search OAI archives using the ARC experimental search engine or OAIster which aims to provide a one-stop shop for users interested in useful digital resources. Eprints archives are also indexed by standard search engines such as Google (e.g. search Google for articles on Futuretalk by Peter Stockwell).
"One especially important feature of full
texts -- their reference list -- is arguably the most natural and
powerful way of interconnecting and navigating this literature."
The Open Citation Project Value added services What can you do?Retain copyrightWe would encourage you to keep copyright wherever possible, or at least the right to post a copy of your work on the web. There are a number of things you can do:
Many publishers will actually allow you to renegotiate or amend the agreement if you raise this with them. A suggested wording for adding to the copyright form has been put forward by Professor Stevan Harnad of the University of Southampton: "I hereby transfer to <publisher or journal> all rights to sell or lease the text (on-paper and on-line) of my paper <paper title>. I retain only the right to distribute it for free for scholarly/scientific purposes, in particular, the right to self-archive it publicly online on the World Wide Web." More information on keeping the copyright.
Deposit papers
"The freeing of their present and future
refereed research from all access- and impact-barriers forever is
now entirely in the hands of researchers. Posterity is looking over
our shoulders, and will not judge us flatteringly if we continue to
Harnad, For Whom the Gate Tolls? If you are a member of the University of Nottingham then we would like you to deposit copies of your published articles and conference papers on our eprints server. Assuming that the publisher allows self-archiving or that you have retained the right to self-archive then the Deposit Guide gives details of how to do this. Please note that we can only archive publisher produced PDFs with explicit permission of the publisher, deposit your own final version of the manuscript instead if this is not the case. For further information / advice please contact your subject librarian or eprints@nottingham.ac.uk. Possible concernsResearch papers are 'give away' literature from which authors wish to gain impact not income. This eprint initiative does not encompass other forms of published literature from which authors expect a royalty. CopyrightMany traditional journals will allow author self archiving, although most do not publicise this. Stevan Harnad has discussed authors' concerns on copyright. Quality control and peer reviewThere is no need to stop publishing in traditional journals and peer
review is not compromised by eprints archives. Further information
For further information on eprints at Nottingham please contact your subject librarian. Site PoliciesInformation on Nottingham ePrints policies regarding accessing and re-using deposited items can be viewed on our separate Policies page. SoftwareThis archive is running on eprints.org open archive software, a freely distributable archive system available from eprints.org.
The generic version of eprints is fully interoperable with all other OAI-Compliant Open Archives. This means that it no longer matters where papers are archived; the papers in all registered OAI-compliant Archives can be harvested using the OAI protocol into one global "virtual archive" by Open Archives Service Providers such as the Cross Archive Searching Service.
Nottingham ePrints is running eprints.org software, and complies with the The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI2.0) for open archive interoperability. Its OAI Base URL is https://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/cgi/oai2. Software Version: EPrints 3.4.6 |