Can traditional justice mechanisms improve responses to conflict-related sexual violence?Tools Sheffield, Emma (2022) Can traditional justice mechanisms improve responses to conflict-related sexual violence? PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
AbstractThis thesis is a socio-legal analysis of whether traditional justice mechanisms can improve responses to conflict-related sexual violence. Combining an in-depth analysis of the role and function of traditional justice mechanisms in relation to conflict-related sexual violence with original qualitative empirical data collected during fieldwork in Liberia, the thesis explores the necessity of using traditional justice to increase the capacity to deliver justice, alongside practical concerns around meeting the needs of victims. In reality, resource restrictions combined with crimes committed on a mass scale mean that no one form of mechanism can deliver justice by itself. The findings suggest that traditional justice can both assist efforts to provide justice as well as meet victims’ needs, and thus can improve responses. The thesis concludes with recommendations for policy makers on the use of traditional justice in relation to conflict-related sexual violence both within and beyond Liberia.
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