Adult education under a comparative lens: areas of influence

Holford, John, Milana, Marcella and Rasmussen, Palle (2018) Adult education under a comparative lens: areas of influence. In: Annual review of comparative and international education 2017. International perspectives on education and society (7). Emerald, Bingley, West Yorkshire, pp. 85-93. ISBN 978-1-78743-766-1

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This chapter outlines key areas of literature and policy that have influenced or affected our research on the comparative study of adult education. Policy influences include the growth of lifelong learning within a neoliberal framing since the 1990s and the rise of ‘evidence-based’ approaches with a narrow reliance on quantitative data. Much of our work has been inspired by the need to critique these trends, adopt broader approaches to lifelong learning and defend the more democratic traditions of adult education. Important areas of theoretical inspiration, many of which interrogate these policy developments, are also outlined. The critical reinterpretation of historical adult education practices is another important area of work and inspiration. In relation to sustainability, we have been influenced particularly by the capabilities approach.

Item Type: Book Section
Keywords: Sustainability, adult education, comparative education, international education, educational policy
Schools/Departments: University of Nottingham, UK > Faculty of Social Sciences > School of Education
Identification Number:
Depositing User: Eprints, Support
Date Deposited: 27 Mar 2018 08:05
Last Modified: 04 May 2020 19:30

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