Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th centuryTools Jesch, Judith (2014) Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th century. In: Vers l'Orient et vers l'Occident: regards croisés sur les dynamiques et les transferts culturels des Vikings à la Rous ancienne = Eastwards and Westwards: multiple perspectives on the dynamics and cultural transfers from the vikinga to the early Rus'. Publications du CRAHM . Presses universitaires de Caen, Caen, pp. 55-60. ISBN 9782841334995 ![]() There is a more recent version of this item available.
AbstractFrom the late 11th century onwards, northern Europeans were also infected with the crusading spirit that swept the whole of Europe. With their knowledge of the East, their military abilities and experience, and their relatively new enthusiasm for Christianity, upper-class Scandinavians were well-placed to lead their own warlike expeditions to the Holy Land. Such upper-class Scandinavians were also both patrons and practitioners of poetry, and this paper examines two 12th-century expeditions led by Scandinavian rulers, King Sigurðr of Norway and Earl Rögnvaldr of Orkney, through the poetry they occasioned.
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