Browse by SupervisorsNumber of items: 3. KKam, Melissa Yit Yee (2021) Enhancement of artemisinin production with ultraviolet B radiation and dimethyl sulfoxide in low-artemisinin producing (136P) and high-artemisinin producing (Hyb8001r) chemotypes of Artemisia annua L. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. TTiong, Yong Wei (2019) Coupling of Incl3-bails for catalytic conversion of oil palm biomass to levulinic acid and upgrading to ethyl levulinate biofuel. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. WWee, Sin Ling (2015) The effects of elicitors and precursor on in vitro cultures of Sauropus androgynus for sustainable metabolite production and antioxidant capacity improvement. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. |