Browse by Supervisors
Number of items: 8. 2024Bunney, Cameron Richard David (2024) Circular motion Unruh effect: in spacetime and in the laboratory. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. 2023Barroso Silveira, Vitor (2023) Classical and quantum fluid interfaces as simulators for gravity and the early Universe. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Biermann, Steffen (2023) Interferometric Unruh detectors. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Geelmuyden, August (2023) Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Instabilities with Astrophysical Implications. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. 2022Fifer, Zachary (2022) Analog cosmology with two-fluid systems. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. 2019Torres Vicente, Theo (2019) Hydrodynamic simulations of rotating black holes. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. 2018Coates, Andrew (2018) New perspectives in gravity beyond General Relativity: from fundamental physics to strongly gravitating systems. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. 2017Finke, Andreas (2017) Classical and quantum parametric excitations of Bose-Einstein condensates. MPhil thesis, University of Nottingham. |