Browse by SupervisorsNumber of items: 5. 2015Aljanobi, Mansour Abdulrhman (2015) Improving quality management in community colleges in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Alotaibi, Amal (2015) IT-enabled performative spaces in gender segregated work. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. 2014Al Sheyadi, Anwar (2014) Antecedents and consequences of the complementarities between green operations management practices: an empirical investigation in Oman. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Bukhary, Wael (2014) The role of knowledge artefact and agency in IS project escalation. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. 2011Pinfield, Stephen (2011) Towards open access: managerial, technical, economic and cultural aspects of improving access to research outputs from the perspective of a library and information services provider in a research university. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. |