Browse by SupervisorsNumber of items: 4. AAlemohammad, Mehd (2017) Exploring the effectiveness of evidence-based methods to measure and improve offenders’ engagement in treatment. DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham. TTripathi, Snehil (2022) Barriers to cannabis treatment and the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions for Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). MPhil thesis, University of Nottingham. Trundle, Grace (2021) The forensic implications of camouflaging: victimisation and offending in Autism and Pathological Demand Avoidance. DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham. WWhitwham, Stephanie (2020) Aggression following acquired brain injury in a forensic hospital: the assessment of triggers and management strategies. DForenPsy thesis, University of Nottingham. |