Number of items: 22.
Allison, Kate
An evaluation of tablet-based apps for maths learning in young children with Down's Syndrome.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Barrett, Rebecca
Using motivational interviewing to support reading
motivation and engagement in secondary school pupils.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Bennion, Kim
Examining the impact of theraplay interventions within education settings on classroom behaviour and student-teacher relationships for male students aged three to eleven-years-old identified with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties: a multiple case study design.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Chung, Kirsten C. Y.
A study exploring the relationship between ethnic identity and school connectedness in adolescents.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Connor, Lauren, Jade
Using sequence analysis to explore the group interaction within a Circle of Adults: an exploratory study.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Cronin, John
A study exploring the relationship of secondary school teacher attitudes and efficacy beliefs to inclusive behaviours towards young people with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Faizey, Rachel
Intervening with peer ecology: the impact of cooperative learning on peer acceptance, empathy and pupils' experiences of bullying in school.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Giles, Grace
Using sequence analysis to explore the role of motivational talk in consultation.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Girdham, Sharon
The interrelationships between social networking site use, school connectedness, peer connectedness and social competence, and their influence on early adolescent wellbeing: an exploratory study.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Hussain, Sofia N.
Exploring the influence of video on staff attributions and perceptions regarding challenging behaviour: an innovative approach to group consultation.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Outhwaite, Laura A.
The use of interactive maths apps to support early mathematical development in UK and Brazilian primary school children.
PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Pascoe, Hannah
A mixed methods investigation into adolescents’ use of mental health apps.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Perry-Springer, Michéle A.
Inspiring aspirations: an interpretative phenomenogical analysis and exploration of aspiration development in looked after children and young people.
DAppPsych thesis, University of Nottingham.
Purewal, Nina
An investigation of the role of the Educational Psychologist in meeting social, emotional and mental health needs.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Riley, Hollie
An Exploration of Young People’s Perceptions of what Contributes to Positive Wellbeing within Education.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Rowark, Hannah
An exploration of the relationship between school experience and self-identity for young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Skade, Lauren Jennifer
Educational psychology practice and domestic abuse: an exploratory mixed methods web survey.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Taylor, Lisa
Exploring the use of educational psychology consultation practices to sustain professional learning and behaviour.
DAppPsych thesis, University of Nottingham.
Walton, Jodie M.
Evaluating the impact of a tablet-based intervention on the mathematics attainment, receptive language and approaches to learning of preschool children.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Want, Hannah
A Narrative Oriented Inquiry into emotionally based school avoidance: hearing the voices of young people and their parents.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Wörsching, Anna
An exploratory evaluation of dramatherapy in a key stage 3 and 4 pupil referral unit: a multiple case study design.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Zafeiriou, Maria Evrydiki
A grounded theory study of educational psychologists’ mental health casework in schools.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
This list was generated on Wed Feb 26 02:00:52 2025 UTC.