Dodds, Jessica Fay
The views and experiences of school leaders implementing whole school relational approaches in a single secondary school: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis.
DAppEdPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA, Braun & Clarke, 2021a) was utilised to explore the views and experiences of school leaders (SLs) implementing whole school relational approaches.
Evidence indicates relational approaches have more positive outcomes for all children and young people (CYP), including pupil well-being, behaviour, and academic outcomes (Zakszeski & Rutherford, 2021; Avery et al., 2021). Despite this, a behaviourist-informed approach still appears to be the most dominant approach used in schools to manage behaviour (Nash et al., 2016; Oxley, 2021). The current societal context, including the ‘collective trauma’ experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic (Brown, 2021), has seemed to encourage policymakers to strive for whole school change and encourage a focus on wellbeing and mental health (DfE, 2022a; 2022d; 2022e; Tawell et al., 2020), a focus aligned with whole school relational approaches (Oxley, 2021).
For this current research, six SLs, working in a mainstream secondary school, within a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), were interviewed. The aim being to explore their views and experiences regarding the implementation of whole school relational approaches.
Using RTA, four themes were developed: ‘environmental conditions enabling the approach’, ‘school staff enabling the approach, ‘it’s their school as much as ours’ and ‘the reality of relational’. All four themes informed the key findings of this research, building on the existing literature. Within the discussion, these key findings are presented as key enablers and barriers to whole school implementation of relational approaches. Reflecting on key enablers, such as the underlying ethos and culture of Redwood High School, and key barriers, including lack of time and resources. The impact of these relational approaches, as interpreted by the researcher, is then deliberated.
After outlining these key findings, the strengths and limitations of the research will be explored, whilst considering the positionality of the researcher. Conclusions and implications will be outlined, reflecting on the possible implications of this research.
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