Heterogeneous integration of WBG devices and magnetic components: manufacturing and design optimisationTools Stratta, Andrea (2022) Heterogeneous integration of WBG devices and magnetic components: manufacturing and design optimisation. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
AbstractWide-bandgap semiconductor devices, such as the ones based on silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), have been one of the biggest disruptive innovations in power electronics. The properties of these materials allow designers to develop more efficient and power dense converters. However, making a simple substitution of a Si based device for the WBG counterpart rarely results in a performance gain sufficient to justify the increase in cost. The manufacturing and design paradigm has to change. Power electronics has always been a multi-disciplinary subject, but each discipline was traditionally pursued independently. At the converter design stage, given the problem complexity, the main task is often divided into smaller and simpler problems, each one belonging to a specific discipline. It is the Roman \textit{divide and rule} ("divide et impera") technique. As a result, individual product
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