Mindful organizing in patients’ contributions to primary care medication safety

Phipps, Denham L., Giles, Sally, Lewis, Penny J., Marsden, Kate, Salema, Ndeshi, Jeffries, Mark, Avery, Anthony J. and Ashcroft, Darren M. (2018) Mindful organizing in patients’ contributions to primary care medication safety. Health Expectations . ISSN 1369-7625

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Background: There is a need to ensure that the risks associated with medication usage in primary healthcare are controlled. To maintain an understanding of the risks, healthcare organizations may engage in a process known as “mindful organizing”. While this is typically conceived of as involving organizational members, it may in the healthcare context also include patients. Our study aimed to examine ways in which patients might contribute to mindful organizing with respect to primary care medication safety.

Method: Qualitative focus groups and interviews were carried out with 126 members of the public in North-West England and the East Midlands. Participants were taking medicines for a long-term health condition, taking several medicines, had previously encountered problems with their medication, or were caring for another person in any of these categories. Participants described their experiences of dealing with medication-related concerns. The transcripts were analysed using a thematic method.

Results: We identified four themes to explain patient behaviour associated with mindful organizing: knowledge about clinical or system issues; artefacts that facilitate control of medication risks; communication with healthcare professionals; and the relationship between patients and the healthcare system (in particular, mutual trust).

Conclusions: Mindful organizing is potentially useful for framing patient involvement in safety, although there are some conceptual and practical issues to be addressed before it can be fully exploited in this setting. We have identified factors that influence (and be strengthened by) patients’ engagement in mindful organizing, and as such would be a useful focus of efforts to support patient involvement.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Primary Care; Patient Safety; Mindful Organizing
Schools/Departments: University of Nottingham, UK > Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > School of Medicine > Division of Primary Care
Identification Number: https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.12689
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Depositing User: McCambridge, Mrs April
Date Deposited: 20 Mar 2018 14:35
Last Modified: 06 May 2018 19:38
URI: https://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/id/eprint/50184

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