ICNIRP statement on diagnostic devices using non-ionizing radiation: existing regulations and potential health risksTools Green, A.C., Coggon, D., Sèze, R. de, Gowland, Penny A., Marino, C., Peralta, A.P., Söderberg, P.G., Stam, R., Ziskin, M.C., Rongen, E. van, Feychting, M., Asmuss, M., Croft, R., D'Inzeo, G., Hirata, A., Miller, S., Oftedal, G., Okuno, T., Röösli, M., Sienkiewicz, Z. and Watanabe, S. (2017) ICNIRP statement on diagnostic devices using non-ionizing radiation: existing regulations and potential health risks. Health Physics, 112 (3). pp. 305-321. ISSN 1538-5159 Full text not available from this repository.
Official URL: http://journals.lww.com/health-physics/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2017&issue=03000&article=00010&type=abstract
AbstractUse of non-ionizing radiation (NIR) for diagnostic purposes allows non-invasive assessment of the structure and function of the human body, and is widely employed in medical care. ICNIRP has published previous statements about the protection of patients during medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but diagnostic methods using other forms of NIR have not been considered. This statement reviews the range of diagnostic NIR devices currently used in clinical settings; documents the relevant regulations and policies covering patients and health care workers; reviews the evidence around potential health risks to patients and health care workers exposed to diagnostic NIR; and identifies situations of high NIR exposure from diagnostic devices in which patients or health care workers might not be adequately protected by current regulations.
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