Treatment decisions and survival for people with small-cell lung cancer

Powell, H.A., Tata, L.J., Baldwin, D.R., Potter, V.A., Stanley, R.A., Khakwani, A. and Hubbard, R.B. (2014) Treatment decisions and survival for people with small-cell lung cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 110 (4). pp. 908-915. ISSN 1532-1827

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Background: Chemotherapy improves survival for many patients with SCLC, and hence it is important to understand variations in practice and outcomes for this treatment strategy.

Methods: We used the National Lung Cancer Audit and Hospital Episodes Statistics to determine the proportion of patients who received chemotherapy for SCLC, and assess the effects of patient and organisational factors on the odds of receiving chemotherapy and of completing four cycles. We calculated median survival and used Cox regression to determine factors that predicted survival.

Results: Of 15 091 cases of SCLC, 70% received at least one cycle of chemotherapy. More deprived people were less likely to receive chemotherapy, but patients were more likely to receive chemotherapy, and to complete Xfour cycles, if they were referred to the lung cancer team by their GP. Median survival for those treated with chemotherapy was 12.9 months for limited and 7.3 months for extensive stage disease.

Conclusions: The Linked NLCA and HES data provide real-life measures of survival in people treated with chemotherapy and

show how this is influenced by patient and tumour characteristics. These data show the characteristics of patients who are less likely to complete a full course of treatment, an adverse predictor of survival.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Supplementary information available for this article at
Keywords: lung neoplasm; small cell; survival; chemotherapy; radiotherapy
Schools/Departments: University of Nottingham, UK > Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > School of Medicine > Division of Epidemiology and Public Health
Identification Number: 10.1038/bjc.2013.812
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Depositing User: Claringburn, Tara
Date Deposited: 24 Oct 2016 09:39
Last Modified: 04 May 2020 16:42

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