Re-starting smoking in the postpartum period after receiving a smoking cessation intervention: a systematic review

Jones, Matthew, Lewis, Sarah, Parrott, Steve, Wormall, Stephen and Coleman, Tim (2016) Re-starting smoking in the postpartum period after receiving a smoking cessation intervention: a systematic review. Addiction, 111 (6). pp. 981-990. ISSN 1360-0443

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Aims: In pregnant smoking cessation trial participants, to estimate (1) among women abstinent at the end of pregnancy, the proportion who re-start smoking at time-points afterwards (primary analysis) and (2) among all trial participants, the proportion smoking at the end of pregnancy and at selected time-points during the postpartum period (secondary analysis).

Methods: Trials identified from two Cochrane reviews plus searches of Medline and EMBASE. Twenty-seven trials were included. The included trials were randomized or quasi-randomized trials of within-pregnancy cessation interventions given to smokers who reported abstinence both at end of pregnancy and at one or more defined time-points after birth. Outcomes were validated biochemically and self-reported continuous abstinence from smoking and 7-day point prevalence abstinence. The primary random-effects meta-analysis used longitudinal data to estimate mean pooled proportions of re-starting smoking; a secondary analysis used cross-sectional data to estimate the mean proportions smoking at different postpartum time-points. Subgroup analyses were performed on biochemically validated abstinence.

Results: The pooled mean proportion re-starting at 6 months postpartum was 43% [95% confidence interval (CI) = 16–72%, I2 = 96.7%] (11 trials, 571 abstinent women). The pooled mean proportion smoking at the end of pregnancy was 87% (95% CI = 84–90%, I2 = 93.2%) and 94% (95% CI = 92–96%, I2 = 88%) at 6 months postpartum (23 trials, 9262 trial participants). Findings were similar when using biochemically validated abstinence.

Conclusions: In clinical trials of smoking cessation interventions during pregnancy only 13% are abstinent at term. Of these, 43% re-start by 6 months postpartum.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Jones, M., Lewis, S., Parrott, S., Wormall, S., and Coleman, T. (2016) Re-starting smoking in the postpartum period after receiving a smoking cessation intervention: a systematic review. Addiction, 111: 981–990, which has been published in final form at . This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Keywords: Meta-analysis, postpartum period, pregnancy, randomized controlled trial, re-starting smoking, smoking, smoking cessation, smoking cessation interventions, systematic review, tobacco
Schools/Departments: University of Nottingham, UK > Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > School of Medicine > Division of Primary Care
University of Nottingham, UK > Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > School of Medicine > Division of Epidemiology and Public Health
Identification Number:
Depositing User: Whitemore, Rachel
Date Deposited: 21 Mar 2016 14:27
Last Modified: 08 May 2020 12:30

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